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I’m using Shopify to LiveWebinar integration, but I think this question could apply to various platforms (such as Eventbrite and email marketing apps). 

A customer could buy multiple items with different fields for each item, and I need to be able to send them one email/action for each item (this is important to my store). One order could have multiple items, so one order could have multiple fields. 

Is there for-each logic that lets one trigger run multiple actions per item? I won’t know how many items an order will have, so it needs to be dynamic. 

I’m an experienced developer, but am new to the Zapier platform. Curious if other people have solved this same use case for other apps. Thanks!


Hi @craftylafty 

Check out the Looping app for handling line item arrays:

Thanks @Troy Tessalone , I didn’t know this existed. I’ll try it, thanks!