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I have a zap setup to create a project in Teamwork whenever a deal in HubSpot is won. Works just great!

I need to add another component.

We use PandaDoc to get contracts signed and leverage the native integration between HubSpot & PandaDoc to do that. Again, works great!

What I need to do is to is grab a PDF copy of the completed PandaDoc associated with the HubSpot deal and upload the file to the Teamwork project that is created earlier in the zap.


Screenshot shows the current Zap configuration. I would envision there needs to be either some sort of additional action before the Notify via email step or maybe some sort of sub-zap somewhere?


Thanks in advance for any assistance!


Hi @pauld-tru 

Great to hear you were able to get everything resolved. 😊

I will tag this as the “Best Answer” so that when someone has this kind of issue, they can find this solution.

I was able to spend some time on this today and found the solution by using paths. Screen shot below in case it helps anyone else.


Essentially, the Pandadoc step does a find for any documents that are in the “completed” state then the path searches to match the Hubspot deal id meta data from pandadoc against the deal id from the earlier hubspot step, once it finds a match, it proceeds and uploads that file to the Teamwork project that was created earlier.



Hey there,  @pauld-tru! Thanks for reaching out in community - hmm, interesting! 

It sounds like the initial PandaDoc PDF is being created outside of Zapier, is that right? If so, where in this zap process is it loaded into HubSpot? If it’s part of the initial trigger, does an attachment field come through in the “Additional properties” section?


If so, I’m wondering if we can then create an “Upload File” action step after the “Create Project” in Teamwork step and map the attachment from step 1?

Do you think that could work? Let us know!