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Let’s say I want to write my tweets in a notion database and publish them to twitter automatically.

If I write the text of my tweet inside my notion page content, there is no way to retrieve it in zapier. I have an 1. Object Page as show in @Danvers screenshot, in this post but I’ve not the text content of that page which is what I need.

In the end the only thing that can be accessed are the database properties and not the page content, so I ended up creating a property called “text” and then added my tweet text in it, but it’s not really beautiful.

It would be cool to have the possibility to access the text that is inside a page and not having to add a property.  

thanks @SamB i’m giving the API Request a shot today and will send a help ticket if I can’t figure it out, which is not only possible - it’s likely! 🙃

Hey all, part of the challenge with this is “content” is kind of different within Notion. This post I’m typing in the reply box is just text but I can also make it bold and red which gives the content various properties. Notion does this too but it’s even more complex. Every paragraph in Notion is a “block” and each block has a type. If it’s just text, it might be a paragraph block but if it’s a list, or a quote, or an image, it’s a different type of block. You can see all the block types here:

So, what I’m getting at is getting the content is a little more difficult than just pulling the text off the page. How should the text be represented in Zapier? Should it be similar to Notion and be blocks? Should it be converted to Markdown, or maybe just plaintext? The answer probably depends on how your going to use the content further in the Zap. I would love to get your thoughts on this, how would you use this content and what format would you want this content in?

Just converted to Markdown would be a great start.  this will allow me to populate my github issues straight from notion pages.

@Ryan.Detzel assuming it’s possible to GET page content from database items… and considering this use case detailed by OP…

i would further assume that you’d want to limit that to type=rich_text to start. meaning, zapier wouldn’t pull in any of these types:

- checkbox
- created_by
- created_time
- date
- email
- files
- formula
- last_edited_by
- last_edited_time
- multi_select
- number
- people
- phone_number
- relation
- rollup
- select
- status
- title
- url
- unique_id
- verification


at that point, yes just convert it to markdown in the zapier interface.

Waiting for the update!

Thanks for letting us know, @Heather Cox. There aren’t any updates to share at this point but I’ve added you to the feature request so we can notify you once it’s added. 🙂

Please add my vote and notify me once this is implemented

You got it @Oscar B! Your vote has been added so we’ll be in touch if/when it’s added.  

Please add my vote too and notify me once this is implemented

Happy to confirm that your vote has been added to the feature request as well @Ruddy. We’ll email everyone here once it’s been implemented.

Any updates here? This has got to be one of the most asked for features. I’d like to add myself as a vote, please.

I double down here ! This is really needed 

Thanks for reaching out here @Smile and @Ruddy.

I’m sorry to say that there’s no updates on this at the moment. But your votes have been added so you’ll definitely hear from us once it is! 🙂

I’d also like to add my vote. Is there any place for us to see the feature requests?

I still can’t believe this feature doesn’t exist. Thought I was doing something wrong because it was so basic of a need.

Hi @Lace T 


Unfortunately, we don’t have any way to see the request publicly. Hence, I’ve added your vote for this feature request, and we’ll notify you via email once an update is readily available.

Hey folks,

I’ve figured out a workaround for extracting the page content from Notion! 😁 It does require the use of an API Request (Notion) action and a Run Python (Code by Zapier) action which isn’t ideal, but thought it worth sharing in case anyone here wants to give it a try.

You can find details of the workaround here:

Hope ​​​​it helps! 🤞

Hi all,

Just circling back in here with a belated update to share that the feature request has been implemented! 🎉

In case you missed the email notification that was sent out, here’s the key information from it:

We have enhanced the integration to pull the top level of block data from the items that are returned and format it as Markdown, which should cover many cases. This data is presented in all the triggers, actions, and searches that deal with pages and database items.

In some cases, data is nested within deeper blocks. In these instances, we return the data in a list called "Unsupported Blocks" and these can be used within the "Retreive Block Children" search to find deeper nested content. This happens in the case of items like sub-pages and tables, which are not presented to us within the first API call. Because this block data can be arbitrarily nested, we only make one call to get the first level.

If you run into any issues with these changes please let us know in the Community or reach out to our Support team directly and we’ll be happy to assist.

In the meantime, happy Zapping! ⚡️
