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In the new Gmail app, user labels and sub-labels are not being made available for action steps.

I am triggering on new attachments - I am still using the legacy Gmail app, as my logic relies on Gmail labels and sub-labels which are used in subsequent action steps.

(When) will the new Gmail app be updated to include this functionality?

Hi there @BgateRobot,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

Before we dig deeper into this, would you mind sharing a detailed screenshot of how your Zap is configured? Also, please share a screenshot of the “Action” section of the action step that shows all of its fields. Like so:

(view larger)

Please don't include personal information in the screenshot, or be sure blur out any personal information.


See Screengrab below showing user labels from Legacy Gmail app in these actions: FILTER, CODE STEP and GOOGLE DRIVE. None of which are possible with New Gmail App.


Many thanks



Hi @BgateRobot,

It seems that the label is being returned as an ID instead of the label name. This could be a bug. I suggest contacting our Support Team to report this issue. You can reach our Support Team by clicking on the following link:​​​​​​​

Hopefully, this helps!

Thanks ken

I already told support. They did not consider it to be a bug.

Their solution was to keep copying the Legacy Gmail App from my older zaps, which is what I am doing anyway.

I was posting here to try to get an understanding of what will or will not change.

Our Gmail zaps are mission critical. If the legacy Gmail App were to become deprecated/unsupported I may need to move platform - which will require preparation.





WTF!!. All my zaps have been updated to the New Gmail App

Now they are backing up with thousands of gmails

Hi @BgateRobot,

I'm sorry to hear about your frustrations, and I completely understand where you're coming from. I would recommend reaching out to our Support Team to take a closer look at this issue, as they have the correct tools to examine the Zap closely and its logs.

I appreciate your patience and understanding.