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I have a simple Table being used as a lookup table in a Zap. What I would like to know is if it is possible to have an entry in the table be empty, so that it outputs nothing as the value. 

Zap details:

  1. The step in question is a Find Record step > App: Zapier Tables > Event: Find Record
  2. The Table looks at the Key column (numerical) and pulls in a corresponding text value from the next column
  3. The next step in the Zap writes to SharePoint Online and pulls from the data pulled in this previous step. 
  4. The issue is that sometimes the field is empty, and therefore the lookup table needs to be able to carry over an empty value. And right now this is making the Zap error out. 

Thank you!

Hi @JoshMNF 

For us to have more info, post screenshots showing how your Zap steps are outlined and configured in EDIT mode, and outlined a specific example for us so we can trace the data flow between steps.

Here are some screenshots.

The Path in the Zap using the table:


The Table lookup Step:

The snip of the table itself, where there is no NULL value (which is my question, can we have one?!)




The snip of the table itself, where there is no NULL value (which is my question, can we have one?!)

When in doubt, test it out!


If the Lookup Value can be empty, then another approach would be to set a default value and have a Table Record with that default value.

Zap action: Formatter > Text > Default Value


Hey @Troy Tessalone thank you for the quick responses and the help!

Actually the table DOES have an empty value row: 

But the Zap still errors out when the field is empty. 
Maybe something actually needs to be in those table fields?


As for your other recommendation to use Formatter-- sorry, I am fairly new to Zapier and unsure how and where to set this. I have this Formatter step before the Table Lookup. But I am unsure what to put here:



Formatter > Text > Default Value

Help for Formatter:

The variable to check would go in the Input Field.

You would then set a unique static value for the Default Value.

Logic is if there is an Input field value, that will be output, else output the Default Value.


Thank you @Troy Tessalone

Zapier support got back to me, and shared this article which was helpful: Set default values for blank fields in Zaps – Zapier

I built this step, and was hopeful, but it still errored:


I also added the Unknown listing to the Table, no luck:



Post screenshots showing how your Zapier Tables step is now configured.

It should have a variable mapped from the Formatter step.

Hey @Troy Tessalone, Zapier support was able to show me that I needed to change my output value:

58220f4beb55dbc542dfc194cef7ef2e.png (789×571) (

And that made the empty field work! It now writes to SPO as “Unknown”.


Now the issue is that when the NAICS code field is filed out in Pipedrive, it is writing the incorrect thing to SPO!! Something must have gone wrong with the table or the code from Pipedrive. Looking into it!
