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I have created a Zap that will update a Jira ticket in smartsheets when it is updated in Jira.  It finds the row and updates it perfectly.  However, I would like to use the same Zap to evaluate the smartsheet and if the ticket exists, update it and if it does not exist, add it to the bottom.

I have started down the path of using a Zapier ‘Paths’.

Trigger is Jira Updated Issue


1. If Jira ticket exists - Find Sheet Row - New Row Update

2. If Jira ticket does not exist. - Add Row to Smartsheet

Path 1 is working perfectly, but when a new ticket is created it still goes down path 1 and fails saying it does not exist.

What am I doing wrong?


Hi @JRossoni, welcome to the Community! 🎉 

You’re really close on this! It looks like that Find Sheet Row search action just needs to be moved up ahead of those paths:

That will allow the Zap to check whether a row exists before running the paths. Then you’d set the paths to check the output from the search action to determine whether or not an existing row was found. Usually with search actions there’s a field called something like _zap_search_was_found_status that will have a value of true if it finds the row or false if it doesn’t. So you’d use the (Boolean) Is true or (Boolean) Is false conditions for the different path’s rules. See: Filter and path rules in Zaps to learn more about the different rule conditions and what they do. 

Hope that helps to get you pointed in the right direction. If you run into any issues on that or have further questions just let us know! 🙂

Hey @SamB Thanks for the help and the welcome!

I tried moving the Find sheet row to where you said because it makes perfect sense.  But the Zap errors out there and won’t go further.  How do I get it to continue down the right path?  Sorry if this is minor, I’m still a rookie!

In this example, the evaluation is correct, IFS360-4859 is not on the sheet.  How do I get it to continue?


Thanks for getting back to me @JRossoni.

Hmm, usually with search actions there’s an option to set whether the Zap should still continue even if it doesn’t find anything (which would avoid that kind of error) but I can’t see any such option available. It looks as though it’s a custom action that’s been added to the Smartsheet app, so that may be why it’s not performing as we’d usually expect search actions to perform:

I’d recommend reaching out to our Support Team to have that investigated further as it’s likely a bug in how that action has been set up. You can get in touch with them here:

In the meantime, what you might need to use instead of paths is an Error Handler. It functions in a similar way to Paths but specifically creates error handler paths based on whether a specific step errors or not. So the New Update Row action would be placed inside the “Success” path and the Add Row to Sheet action would go within the “Error” path. You can learn more about how to set up error handlers here: Set up custom error handling

Can you give that error handler approach a try and let me know how you get on? Happy to assist further if you run into any trouble with it.
