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Hi everybody,


I need to create a zap that will send a message to slack 2 weeks before the date inserted by a user on a typeform they complete via my websiite.


For example, they inform through the typeform that they want to receive a specific email/reminder on 24/8/2024. I would like to create a zap that would send a message to a slack channel 2 weeks before the informed date (that is, 10/08/2024) reminding me that i need to send a message to the user in 2 weeks.


Is that possible? If yes, how? TIA!

Hi @betterlife!

This is actual an easy one to do! 

Both the Slack send channel message and send direct message have the option to schedule a message - you can choose when it’s sent. When you’re working with date time fields in Zapier, you can use modifiers to adjust the date (eg plus an hour, minus a day, etc), you can learn more about adjusting date times in this help guide


In this case, to send yourself a Slack message two weeks before the date, add the date from the Typeform then add a space and -14d

One thing to note is that the message can’t be scheduled for more than 120 days in the future, so if your reminders might be further out than that, let us know and we’ll try to find another solution for you!

Hi @Danvers 


Thank you so much for your reply, it was very helpful.


However, I do have the case that reminders need to be sent more than 120 days into the future, sometimes may 1 or 2 years. What could I do in this case?


Thanks again for your support.


Best regards,



Hi Karla, 


You can do that using a Google Calendar step instead then create another zap that uses this calendar event to trigger the slack message.​​​​​​ The zap will look something like this: 

  1. Add a Google Calendar step, choose “Create Detailed Event in Google Calendar”. Add the message you want to send in Slack in the Description (I suppose it will include data from the Typeform)


Now go and create another Zap with the Trigger as Google Calendar


  1.  Event Start in Google Calendar > Time Before = 2 > Time Before (Units) = Weeks
  2. Action would be Send Slack Message and you can include the description from the Calendar in the Message 

Hope this helps



Thank you! Yes it does !:) In your suggestion there is no problem if the scheduling is for an event that will happen in more than 365 days, correct?

Its my pleasure @betterlife 


You can input any date as the Event Start Date , it can happen 10 years in the future if Google Calendar allows it, dont see why it wouldn't anyway :)