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If I pull 1000 records from Airtable to Salesforce which activity can be used for this? Does the webhooks GET activity can be used for this? If it can be used how to iterate the offset value

Hi @Bhuvana 


Can you please include more details? You cannot pull 1000 records at once, there has to be a Trigger to use Zapier . 

We are importing 1000 records in Airtable does the same records will be imported in Salesforce. Does it can triggered using Zapier.


Hey @Bhuvana! 👋

Are you looking to search for and return the details of 1000 records in Airtable? If so, the Find Many Records (Airtable) search action is limited to 10. And with using a webhooks GET request it appears to only be possible to pull 100 records at a time with the Airtable API - API record limits. So you’d likely need to use multiple webhook actions in your Zap to make each request. 

That said, can I ask what your use case is here? Are you looking to import the Airtable records into Salesforce? If so, it might be better to look at using Transfer to handle that. You can find more about Transfer here: Update or create records using Transfer

Looking forward to your reply!

Hi @Bhuvana 


If you import 1000 records into Airtable you have to setup a Zap and turn it on BEFORE you import the records (you can do it after but it will be a bit tricky) then the zap will post the data into SalesForce. 


Does that help? 

Hey there @Bhuvana, it seems like you received some solid advice a few days ago. I just wanted to stop in and see if you you were able to successfully set up a Zap to import 1000 records? If you still need help on this, be sure to let us know so we can continue to problem solve together! 

@chanelle Thanks for your response.

1. We have integrated Airtable with Salesforce using Zapier. In Airtable if it is created or updated it will be created or updated in Salesforce.2. We created Zapier using Airtable and zap is creating the first 100 records only the rest of the records are not created due to the pagination limit.3. We tried after checked articles using webhooks activity and looping activity in zap. when we are doing that we are not getting how to proceed with grab the offset from the previous pagination and how to set the next value for the next request else suggest better approaches

Hi @Bhuvana 


Please share screenshots of your current zap and what you want to happen exactly so we can help you better.