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Hi there,


I am trying to add an account record to a zap. For some reason when I search for the account, it does not appear as an option. I’ve even copied/paste the record ID.




Hi @hrodriguez 

Good question.

Perhaps the Company record is different from an Account record.


Hi Troy! Unfortunately it’s not. Referring Company is just the label for the field on the object, the field is an account lookup field.


In fact, other accounts show up for selection so I’m not sure why the particular one I need, does not =(


What error do you get when trying to use the Account Record ID via the ‘Custom’ option? (screenshot)

There may be some settings configured in Salesforce which limit which Accounts can be set as a Referring Company.

Zapier returns “no options available”. There are not settings configured that would limit which accounts are set as the referring company =/ 


What error do you get when trying to use the Account Record ID via the ‘Custom’ option? (screenshot)

There is no error


So it’s successful using the Account ID via the ‘Custom’ option?

If you can provide screenshots of the DATA OUT from testing that step it will be helpful for us to have context.
