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Hello all, I am a web designer for Christ centered businesses. I have a client looking to connect square to his webflow website I created. I am a bit new to webflow and want to get a walkthrough on how to do this efficiently.

We would be looking to allow purchases through a square machine to:

  • Fill Orders
  • Create Invoices
  • Make changes to inventory

Possibly other things as well. There's the aspect of not knowing all there is to know.
Any help would be appreciated


Its not so much navigating the interface as it is knowing what triggers to make for this specific scenario.
Ryan @ GodGivenGraphics

Hi there @Ryan_Sebastian_4_Christ,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

Here is how I see the Zap for the workflow that you have in mind:

  1. Square - New Order
  2. Webflow - Fulfill Order
  3. Choose an app of your choice to create an invoice here:
  4. Webflow - Create Item OR Update Item

Hopefully, this helps!

Thank you so much! I’m going to check back in soon and let you know if that works. I appreciate you!

Hi @Ryan_Sebastian_4_Christ,

You are most welcome! Please let me know if my suggestion worked. If not, I’d be happy to help further. 🤗


Hey @ken.a Just getting around to this now. I am looking to connect my orders from square and webflow. YOur suggestion has worked but specifically

Now I have to connect it to webflow and I was wondering which order identifier to use?

Thanks for your help!

Hi there @Ryan_Sebastian_4_Christ,

Thanks for the update here.

It looks like the “Order” field in the “Fulfill Order” action looks for an ID. Could you please try using the ID from Square? The ID from Square should look like this:

(view larger)

Kindly give it a try and let me know how it goes? I'll keep an eye out for your response!

Hey there Ken long time no talk lol
I've been scratching my head on this for the last week.

Here are some changed I've made so far:

  • Updating SKU’s on webflow and square to match (for mapping)
  • Changed Zap to “New Order In Square” - “Update item inventory in webflow”

I’m hoping this is gong to work well, it definitely sounds like the closest to what I’m looking to do. If it does work in theory I could just reverse the process for Webflow to square

As I’m understanding these flows more and what the customer really needs its more like this:
“Sync inventories between Webflow and Square” 
the main thing i really need this to do is just allow both programs to show the correct inventory

Any thoughts you have about this I would love some advice. 

Hi there @Ryan_Sebastian_4_Christ,

Thanks for getting back to me.

Just to be sure I completely understand your desired workflow. You mentioned that you want to sync inventories between Webflow and Square. Do you want Webflow to be your trigger on this workflow? If so, is this the Zap setup you’re looking for:

  1. Trigger: Webflow - New Item **This trigger is not supported
  2. Action: Square - Create Product **This action is not supported

These trigger/action are not supported. However, we have an existing feature request for those. Please let me know if you’d like to get added to those.

If I wasn’t able to understand your workflow completely. Please let me know as well.




To be clear, there are already items in a library with their recorded stock. So I’m hoping to have this inventory to be what it pulls from. 

 This is what the Webflow inventory looks like

Im Going to have two zaps, one for Orders made through Square POS to affect webflow inventory
Then another to have online orders through webflow to affect square POS inventory

Does this make sense?

The reason I don't use “New Product” is because I don't want it creating a whole new item, I want it to pull from inventory already created. that way it will say “we have one less of this product” on both platforms 

Hi @Ryan_Sebastian_4_Christ,

Thanks for clarifying. I really appreciate it.

Yes, your approach makes sense for synchronizing inventory levels between Square POS and Webflow.

With this, here’s how I see Zap you have in mind:

Zap 1 - Zap for orders made through Square to affect Webflow inventory

  1. Trigger: Square - New Order
  2. Action: Create Item

Zap 2 - Zap for orders through Webflow to affect Square inventory

  1. Trigger: Webflow - New Order
  2. Action: Square - Change Inventory

I hope this points you to the right direction.

Hey there Ken. once again ive made some progress and thanks for your help with this. slowly but shortly we are making headway. Heres an issue Im having. To connect specific products and their variants I need to use variant skus for variations like size gender etc.

Instead of using a zap for every variant I am trying to get square to present the skews in the item info thats given.

Ive found that “Webflow new order” - “Square create order” works well because creating the order as prepaid changes the inventory automatically.

Can you help me understand why using create item for the webflow “action” would be appropriate? wouldnt this continue to make new items when I want to keep the same products? Not trying to say youre wrong im just wondering.

Hi @Ryan_Sebastian_4_Christ,

I’m so sorry for the confusion caused earlier. You are absolutely correct in pointing out that the "Create Item" action in Webflow only creates new items. I think the “Update Item” suites your workflow a lot better.

Additionally, in case you need personalized assistance with your Zap, I recommend getting in touch with our certified Zapier Experts who can help streamline your workflow. You can contact our Zapier Experts by visiting this URL: