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I'm using a zap to create recurring tasks in MeisterTask. I can't figure out how to set up a due date for the future. When I set up the zap, I can only use the date that I set for the task to be sent to MesiterTask, so the due date would be the same date the task is created. I tried using Zapier's formatter, but even when I typed in +1 month or +10 days I would always get the same date. How do I make the due date a future date?

Hi @Amanda

Are you saying the output of the formatter step is always the same date you input? If so, I think you've possible got that step setup incorrectly.

Could you send us a screenshot of how it's configured?

Hi @Amanda! As @AndrewJDavison_Luhhu said, it would be super helpful to see how the date is entered in the step, so that we can see if the way it's entered is causing the trouble here.

A guide that you might find helpful is this one:

Adjust date and time values in Zaps It explains what you need to type to add time onto an existing date to set it in the future.

Let us know how you get on!

Thanks for your help but I've realized I actually can't do this. I have a free account and I think it would require a multi-step zap to create a due date that's in the future.

If you have a date that's in a format that MeisterTask can use, you don't actually need the Formatter step to add time onto the date. If you got rid of the Formatter action would you have a one step Zap? Or do you need to have other actions to do what you need?

The help doc that I linked to explains how you can modify dates (eg add time to them) without using a Formatter step.

Let us know what you think!

Actually, you are correct. I didn't realize I could just type in +10d in the due date field. I thought I needed the formatter to do this. Thanks for your help!

Glad we could help!