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The issue I have is the attachment name changes slightly - e.g. "Signed Agreement for <firstname> <lastname>.pdf". On using the sample - my ZAP only ever finds the selected sample - I need the zap to find/upload emails that have an attachment "Signed Agreement for"*.pdf - where "*" is a wildcard...


Check out this shared Zap!

Gmail → Google Drive If you are using Gmail (I assumed you were), you create a search query that closely follows the search query I put into this Zap. When you open it you'll see it.

Replace the items in my parenthesis with words that match your query like the subject line and add "contains:Signed Agreement" (minus the quotes). I think that should get you pretty close to solving this.

Reach back out if you need more help.


Bryan from

Yes that's how the testing environment works. When you are testing/building your Zap, it's only going to show one sample that you can work from to build your Zap.

Once you switch it to live, it will start working for all incoming emails that match the criteria.

Hope that provides some clarification for ya!


Bryan from

Thanks Brian - We're half-way there. Unfortunately, the "ZAP" only picks up the 1st sample and not others that meet the criteria. I.e. Step 1 always "finds" ALL the emails in question.

The "Action" however - only ever picks up the "sample" and not other email that match the criteria in the trigger.

I think that ZAP is adding other attributes taken from the sample I've used to test, as part of the trigger step...

I've tried moving emails to a gmail/label and and using that as the trigger - it still only picks up the 1st sample... It's really annoying...

in an attempt to explain

Email 1 - has Subject title: Signed Agreement for Joe Bloggs. Attachment called Fee Proposal for Joe Bloggs

Email 2 - has Subject title: Signed Agreement for Micky Mouse. Attachment called Fee Proposal for Micky Mouse

and so on

If I select Email 1 to test - that's all it will ever pick up. If I select Email 2 to test with then email 2's attachment gets saved to google drive.