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Hello community!


I already have a somewhat complicated Zap setup where someone pays me in Keap, and they are then automatically enrolled in a course on Teachable. When that user is added to Teachable, they come in as a $0.00 purchase (because they’ve paid me elsewhere and I’m essentially manually enrolling them using Zapier.)

I also have people that give me their email address through Teachable directly through enrolling in my school, without making a purchase, thus they also come into Teachable as a $0.00 purchase.


If I set up the basic zap “add non-purchasing Teachable sign ups to Keap” and have the zap also add a tag to them for when they come into Keap, will ALL the users with $0.00 end up getting this tag? I want to use the tag as a trigger within Keap to send an email nurture to make a purchase, but I don’t want the other users who have already made a purchase to receive that email nurture.

The other users who have already paid me before they are enrolled will have other tags associated with their accounts, like Paid Deposit or Paid in Full. 

Is there a way within the “add non-purchasing Teachable sign ups to Keap” zap to essentially check for other tags like Paid Deposit or Paid In Full and then not pass the information if those tags are on the account?

I realize I may be able to work this out on the Keap side as well, but I would rather not have my clients who have already paid get a tag that isn’t relevant on their account.

Any insight would be so helpful to my understanding how this would work.

Hi @azfdc 

Try adding a Filter step:
