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I have been able to successfully test a Zapier Webhook Trigger when building a “Zap”. But when I attempt to test the same Zapier Webhook setup in the template builder none of my postman requests get through. Anyone else having this issue?


sample data:

curl --location --request GET '' \

--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \

--data-raw '{

    "title": "this is my title",

    "Description": "this is the description we are going to use",

    "Date": "10/jun/2021"


When you say “template builder” - which tool do you mean? The Zap Template builder?

In order to test your rest hook trigger, you’ll need a real Zap running to do it. When a user enables a Zap that uses a rest hook trigger, we turn on an endpoint to listen for incoming hook messages to forward to your Trigger’s perform handler. Each endpoint is unique to the Zap. If a Zap is not enabled there’s not going to be anything listening for messages. 

So I think what you’re seeing is somehow going to be an outcome of this. To test make sure you are testing with an enabled Zap.


Hi Zane - I’m having the same problem.


I’m trying to create a catch hook template in the and when I send a request to my URL via postman and try to test the trigger, I’m getting a message that the request couldn’t be found.

It looks like your instructions were to activate the Zap first, but how can I activate a zap before the template is active?

Sorry I don’t follow. I am just trying to setup a simple two step template where a Zapier catch hook maps our JSON response to a Zendesk ticket. We want to provide this as an option to our customers without having to manually create the Zap flow themselves. 


When I click test trigger it just errors and says content not found. If I test the same process just creating a Zap from the main site (not via the Zap Template Builder) and it works just fine.

Again I am creating the requests via postman. 


What am I missing?

Ah ha! I understand what y’all are asking now. Sorry, took me a bit to connect on it. 

The Zap Template builder relies on the static sample data you provide when you develop your triggers and actions. It does not make a live request for data at all, or spin up an actual listener to wait for hook messages like the real Zap editor does (only if you don’t configure performList - which you should always do). 

The user interfaces look the similar, but what you’re building is different than a real Zap. It’s a template for other users to create actual Zaps, with settings and auths specific to their accounts. So everything you configure has to be totally common to all users. Note that the Zap Template creator doesn’t allow you to configure a connected account, which is something necessary to even access your API or other APIs. That’s the purpose of the static sample object - to provide a “contract” for the data available for field mapping that’s going to be there every time a Zap runs, for any and all users who make Zaps out of the template. 

For this reason making a template or even a shared Zap with a Webhooks by Zapier trigger isn’t supported today.