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Zapiers platform field schema for an input-fields’ type enumerates once the string value “copy”


I’m having problems to find out more information about it and could benefit from some hypertext references.

@MarinaH Thanks for clarification/confirmation, very helpful!

Hey @toktok !

The above screenshots are from my own testing in the CLI app - the field schema you’ve linked would be the only public documentation of the ‘copy’ field type. 

Once you start working in the CLI, you can always push the private version of your integration to use it in a Zap and see how the fields appear. 

Do you have a hypertext reference for that in the zapier domain? @MarinaH

Hey @toktok 👋

To use the type of copy in your CLI app, take a look at this:



Which would show like this in the Zap Editor:



That type is useful for “bolding”additional helpText that you may want to call out for a whole section, instead of under a specific input field. 

Hope that helps!