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Hello ,

I integrated my application with Session auth. now I am going to create trigger its work fine. But the problem which I face is, want to apply condition that the value return only when type is 3.

Should I do this in code? As in image I want to apply “iteme“type”] = 3” in response.


Hi @ikbelkirasan  yes its work fine when apply this. Before to apply filtration I got the error for Id so I apply “map” on my response.

thank you so much

@truvelop - Sorry I responded too fast and didn’t read the entire question.

You could do it directly like this without the .map function since it doesn’t add anything to the items.

const lists = => item.type === 12);


Hi @ikbelkirasan 
Harshida here.
Thanks for your response but I got the solution 

I apply the condition this way and I got the result.

Hi @Harshida - The way it’s written isn’t a valid JS syntax. Here’s how it should be:

const lists = => item.type === 3);