Hello everyone,
I’m facing an issue related “Output result” from my “Trigger”.
Example: My “Trigger” will return result:
"id": "3cc53c6a-c1be-4b35-8d95-4cb6b10df0f2",
"name": "Product One",
"customField68b13c15-dca4-4379-b886-e330ceb5b366": "0",
"customField90d4edc4-6ad7-4369-a896-294589326239": "1",
"customField0c720c0b-fee1-4b2f-91c1-94c8797f34b8": "1",
"customField2b8276ce-b4ec-4577-a1e3-834aad278426": "",
"customField621d5f06-5d32-44e1-b1d9-27616221b66c": ""
I expect it will show “friendly name” for all custom fields in “Next step” of Zap apps. instead of “customfieldIds”
We have hundreds of “customFields”, so we can’t input manually one by one “Output Label” for each custom fields.
Please let me know how can solve the highlighted issue.
Thank you.