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I want to use a webhook trigger, I can get it working but only with query params.

Does anyone know how I can get this working with path params?

The URL I’d like to use looks like this:<unique_id>/<token>/orders/<order_id>/shipment-trackings

And I’d want to store the path param <order_id>

Is this possible? is there a guide for this?

hi @Jon Mossman 

Good question.

Help articles about using Webhooks:

You can’t change the base structure of a Zapier Webhook URL.

You can make a GET/POST request to a webhook URL.


Hi, I've got it working with query parameters. But the requirement I have is for path parameters.

Is that do able? Or do I need some middleware to make it query parameters?

@Jon Mossman 

What documentation are you referencing for the path parameter requirements? (link)

None, I can't find any.

I'm making the assumption I can use path parameters. Is that not possible with Zapier?

@Jon Mossman 

A Zap Webhook URL is not an API endpoint.

You cannot modify the Zap Webhook URL paths parameters.


Trigger: Webhook - Catch Hook

This provides a unique webhook URL to use to send data to.

You can send data to the Zap webhook URL using a GET or POST method.

GET uses query string parameters.

POST uses form data.


@Jon Mossman 

The Webhook Zap app can be used as a Zap trigger or action.

If you have an app API endpoint documentation, then you can configure a request using path parameters (if supported).

But the Zap Webhook URL does not support path parameters.






@Jon Mossman 

Some advanced Zap actions for certain apps include:

  1. API Request
  2. App Extensions (using an app’s API)


Coming Soon

  • API Builder