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I have a Zap that would take two paths. First, it searches for a user based on email via webhook. If there’s a user, then it returns an ID number and proceeds with path A.

If there’s no existing user, the first step would return “Bad Request” and then the goal is for it to proceed under Path B.

However, it appears that because of the “Bad Request” (400) the Zap wouldn’t continue, even though I want it to.

How do I fix this?

Hi @MexHome 

Good question.

The Zap Run should continue to try to process following Zap action steps that are NOT dependent on mapped variables from the failed Zap step.


With custom app API requests the Zap behavior depends on the returned response.

Some app APIs return a “success” response regardless of whether a result is found or not, whereas it sounds like the API endpoint request you are using returns an error when there is no matching result, which then causes the Zap step to fail and the Zap Run to stop.


NOTE: Some standard Zap Find actions have an option to continue when no result is found.


I am using the “Webhooks by Zapier” option and it does not offer the option to continue when no result is found. Is there another action I can use to retrieve something from an API that offers this option?

Or, how can I add a condition that is not dependent on mapped variables from the failed Zap step? Is there something like “If previous step failed”?

I am using the condition “If User ID Does not exist” but this clearly is not working. 



Click the See details] button to see why the Zap didn’t continue down the paths.