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Only Airtable IDs showing when transferring Data

  • 13 February 2024
  • 7 replies

Hello Zappers!

I have created a simple zap to update a field in an Airtable base with the data contained in another base.
The test worked perfectly and I achieved my goal. 
I then selected “data transfer” but instead of seeing all the Airtable fields included in my base, I only see one column with the Airtable record IDs.
I tested my OAuth and it says the connection is working properly. I then tried to transfer one of the record and it succeeded but I need to see the data I am transferring otherwise I can’t apply filters.
Anyone would have any idea of why this is happening and how to solve it?

Thank you!




7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hello there, @Matteo Ottaviani. Welcome to the Community! 🎉

Hmm, from the look of those screenshots my guess is that it may potentially be a bug that you’re running into here. I’d recommend flagging this with our Support team so that they can take a closer look into what’s causing that strange behaviour and confirm whether it’s definitely a bug. You can get in touch with them here:

In the meantime, it might be worth trying to set up the transfer again from within a different browser or private browsing window - just thinking that might help to resolve things if it’s some strange browser-related glitch. 

Please do keep us updated on how you get on with this, keen to ensure you’re all set! 🙂

Userlevel 1

Thank you @SamB, I tried to recreate the Zap using Chrome but I got the same result.
I reached out to Zapport and hopefully they will get back to me soon.
I appreciate you taking the time to suggest workarounds!


Userlevel 7
Badge +11

You’re welcome @Matteo Ottaviani! I’m sorry to hear that it didn’t resolve it.

I’ve just checked on the Support ticket you’ve got open and can see that they’ve since responded with some suggestions. If you can’t see their reply yet, I’d recommend searching your spam/junk folder or searching your inbox for any emails from in case it’s been misplaced. 

Hopefully they’ll be able to help get to the bottom of this soon! 🤞

Userlevel 1

Just to close the loop on this topic: Support replied that the issue is due to a bug and they suggested the workaround to add the filters that I would have used in the data transfer to the zap.
It worked. 
I also thought that I can create another view in Airtable with all the filters I need and use that specific view in the zap so I wouldn’t have to apply filters there.

I hope this helps someone else with the same issue.

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Thanks so much for following up with that update here, @Matteo Ottaviani. It’s much appreciated! 🤗

Really pleased that you were able to workaround that issue by setting up a filtered view in Airtable directly. Hopefully that bug will get resolved soon but if there’s anything else we can help with in the meantime please do let us know.

Until then, happy Zapping! ⚡

Hello, I'm experiencing the same issue and have a question.

Does your solution mean, when transferring data, is it possible to select an attribute other than the Airtable ID? If so, could you please share a screenshot of your solution?

Thank you!

Userlevel 7
Badge +11


As I understand it instead using the workaround of filtering the records by adding a filter to the Zap as Support suggested, they created a View directly in Airtable with the records filtered as needed. See Airtable’s Getting started with Airtable views > Using the view sidebar guide to learn how to create a View in Airtable. 

Then they would have selected that Airtable View in the Limit to View field in the Zap’s Airtable trigger:

This wouldn’t allow the missing fields to appear within the transfer setup but would ensure that the the transfer would allow only the records in the selected Airtable View to be transferred by the Zap. 

Hope that helps to clarify how to implement that workaround. If you run into any issues or have further questions just let us know!
