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Event updates in Outlook don't update in Google Calendar

I want updates/changes to events in Outlook to update/change the same even in Google Calendar. I set it up like this (and tried filters and other things - nothing is making this work) both with and without the “find event” and it still doesn’t work.


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12 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hmm @KLM from the screenshot you provided, I’m not sure where there mishap is as that’s how I would approach setting this up as well. Let’s have a closer look. Can you please upload a few screenshots of each Zap step setup you have? Of course, please be mindful of any sensitive or identifying information within the screenshots and be sure to blur those out. 

Userlevel 1

Thank you for responding. Here they are, from top to bottom:


Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi there @KLM,

I’m jumping in to see if I can help!

Could you please do these for me?

  1. Load in a new/recent sample data from the trigger, by clicking on “Load more” in the “Test” section of the trigger step.
    (view larger)
  2. Test the “Find Event” action again to see if it’ll find the event.

After that, could you please send a screenshot of the “Action” section of the “Update Event” action step. To ensure that the fields are correctly mapped.

Please keep us posted! 😊

Userlevel 1

OK. I did what you said. I made a new test event this morning and ran that in the test like your screenshots show. 

Here’s a screenshot of the action section of the update event:


Userlevel 1

OH! I also ran it - like not in test section but just let the zap run after being published. It came up with an error under the update action, but I still don’t understand why. When I try to troubleshoot I don’t think I see my problem, but since I don’t understand the problem I also don’t know what to look for. Understand I am very new here - I just found zapier 2 days ago and I have only 1 working zap at this time. 

Thank you for your help and time on this. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @KLM,

Thanks for the additional details and screenshots!

It looks like the issue here is the mapped data in the “Event” field in the “Update Event” step. The “Event” field looks for the Event ID from the “Find Event” step. Could you please try remapping the “Event” field with the Event ID from the “Find Event” step? Like so:

(view larger)

Please give that a try, and keep us posted! 😊

Userlevel 1

OK so I did this, and now if I check the history it says that everything ran successfully, but the event in Google calendar did not update :(


Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @KLM,

That does sound unusual. I hope you don't mind, but could you please share an updated/recent screenshot of the "Action" section in your “Update Calendar" step? This will help me see if everything is configured correctly and up to speed.

Thanks! 😊

Userlevel 1


Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @KLM,

It seems that you haven't mapped anything to the "Summary" field and other fields in your "Update Calendar" action. To make sure the Zap knows what fields to update, could you please try mapping to those fields?

Please keep us posted! 😊

Userlevel 1

Hi @KLM,

It seems that you haven't mapped anything to the "Summary" field and other fields in your "Update Calendar" action. To make sure the Zap knows what fields to update, could you please try mapping to those fields?

Please keep us posted! 😊

OK, tried to do this, but then Zapier tells me my trial is over and I need to upgrade in order to have a multi-action zap. Tried removing the 2nd step (according to a template I found it should work without that step) but it doesn’t work without it. Since I can’t get this to work during the trial period, I’m certainly not going to throw money at it. 

Thank you to everyone who tried to help me out with this. I am done trying to make it work.

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Sorry to hear that, @KLM

It would technically be possible to update the event in Google Calendar without the use of an additional Find Event search action, but you’d need to ensure that the Outlook Calendar event contains the ID for the Google Calendar Event. This is so that you can select that ID in Event field on the Update Event action. You’d need to put it in a field that you could select but has no other value in it other than the event’s ID. Otherwise an additional step would be required to extract the ID from the rest of the values in that field, and we want to avoid additional steps here!

For example you could put it in the event’s description which should come through in the Body Preview field. So you’d select that in the Event field:


Then you’d select the other fields from the Outlook trigger step as Ken mentioned so that the Zap is able to update the event with the necessary details. 

If you do decide to give it another go and run into any further issues just let us know, always happy to help! 🙂