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Dropbox Trigger failure

  • 15 February 2023
  • 5 replies

My trigger is adding “new file to folder” and I’ve connected my Dropbox account and completed everything that needs to be done - in fact, I have an identical zap (with slightly different paths) that works perfectly. Assuming my paths are correct, why is the trigger test not working? 


The whole sequence is Dropbox → Asana: Create Task but the Dropbox trigger fails to begin with, before getting to Asana. 

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @noirexox 

Good question.

These could be related factors…


Files Uploaded to a Subdirectory Aren't Detected

Unfortunately this is a current limitation of our integration with Dropbox, we only detect files that are dropped directly in the specified folder when setting up the zap. So if a new upload creates a folder and puts a file in it, the zap won't be triggered.

Folder contains more entries than file_limit (4000)

Right now, you can only watch for new files in a Dropbox folder if the folder has less than 4000 items in it. You'll receive a hard-error from Dropbox (and the Zap will not work) as soon as you go over this limit. We're working on increasing this though.

Do you support Team folders (Dropbox for Business)?

At the moment, we don't support Team folders, but we do have it as a feature request. To add your interest, contact support and we can notify you if and when we are able to add this to the Dropbox integration.

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @noirexox!

Were you able to get your Zap up and running? One of the most common reasons for the New file in folder not working is when the Folder is a shared folder - could that be it?

Let us know if you need some more help here!

Thanks :)

Userlevel 1


Hi @noirexox!

Were you able to get your Zap up and running? One of the most common reasons for the New file in folder not working is when the Folder is a shared folder - could that be it?

Let us know if you need some more help here!

Thanks :)

Yes! It is a shared business folder. How can we fix this?

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Ah, thanks for sharing that @noirexox. Shared or Business Dropbox folders are not supported at the moment. 😔

While I don’t have an ETA on when or if this will be implemented I did add your vote to existing feature request! This is the best way to stay informed if anything changes as we'll email if this does go live.

There’s also a primary thread here that may be worth following along in community if you’d like to keep tabs there:

Sorry to not have better news here but appreciate ya flagging this in community! Keep us posted if you have any other q’s!

My trigger is adding “new file to folder” and I’ve connected my Dropbox account and completed everything that needs to be done - in fact, I have an identical zap (with slightly different paths to that works perfectly. Assuming my paths are correct, why is the trigger test not working? 

Make sure the paths you've set up in your Zap are correct. Double-check that the folder path you specified for the trigger is accurate. Any discrepancies in the folder path could lead to the trigger not working.

Ensure that your Dropbox account is correctly connected and authenticated in your Zapier account. You may need to re-authenticate your Dropbox account in Zapier if the connection has expired or become invalid.

Use the "Test Trigger" feature in your Zap to see if it can successfully trigger when a new file is added to the specified folder. This will help you verify if the trigger itself is functioning properly.
