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Thread for bug and feature request work on the Intercom integration.


Issue: Tag Added to Conversation trigger: Sample data returned in the Zapier editor’s test sub-step did not match the data returned in a running Zap, so certain fields were not able to be mapped in later steps.

Status: All possible fields available in a running Zap are now available in the Zapier editor sample so they can be mapped in later steps.

Details: There are two versions of the Intercom API that we are trying to support in one integration. Unfortunately, this has resulted in some data inconsistencies with specific functions, like Tags added to Conversations. In order to resolve this, we made the decision to create a new static sample for this trigger, so we could make sure that all the fields available in their later API are supported. This means you won’t see a “real” conversation in the Zapier editor test step, but the static sample below. If you need “real” data for later steps, like a Zapier Filter step, there is a new function available in the Zapier editor to edit these fields to change their individual value. 



Issue: New User trigger: Company related fields went missing from their previous data locations, and therefore mapped fields in later steps.

Status: Company fields are now again populated in their previous data locations, so previous field mappings should work.

Details: There are two versions of the Intercom API that we are trying to support in one integration. Unfortunately, this has resulted in some data inconsistencies with specific functions, like New User. For example, the User's type is now reported as "Contact", rather than "User" or Contact".

This also resulted in companies data inconsistency. In order to resolve this, we have now appended the legacy "companies" data to the response in both the Zapier editor test step and running Zaps. This means data returned by the trigger will include company information for new Users in both locations (legacy & latest API) for field mapping purposes.


Issue: Tag add to Lead trigger: Sample data returned in the Zapier editor’s test sub-step did not match the data returned in a running Zap, and Zaps would fire on tags not selected in the trigger.

Status: Both of these issues have been resolved.

Details: An upgrade to the integration was required to restore this functionality. If you have added a filter step in your Zap to filter on the tag, that step can be safely removed.