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Zoho Desk Ticket Comments to Connectwise Manage Notes

  • 29 April 2021
  • 7 replies

How do we get Zoho Desk Tickets that are updated with Comments be pushed to ConnectWise Manage Notes?


So I have a Zoho tickets that gets updated with comments, we have a ZAP that:

  • Updated Ticket in Zoho (Successful)
  • Find Ticket in ConnectWise
  • Create Connectwise Note
    • But I do not see any fields for Zoho Desk Comments to create the Note in Connectwise


What am I missing here?

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7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @ChowFon 

Try adding this action step to your Zap.


Otherwise, please provide screenshots of how your Zap steps are currently configured, thanks.

  • As you can see, I look for Updated Tickets in ZOHO.  This is successful.
  • Next I Find the ticket in Connectwise Manage and if I dotn find one, I create one
  • Finally, I want to add the Zoho Desk Comments or details of the ticket into the Connectwise ticket, but there is no “TEXT” I can choose to put in.


Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Appears the mapped “Content” data point is missing from the trigger step or is no longer valid from the trigger step.

Try remapping this data points from the trigger step.

Also try selecting a different sample record from the trigger step to configure your Zap:



I tried your suggestion and grabbed a new ticket.

The problem is that when we search for anything in the “TEXT” field, there is no variable that gives me the details of the ticket.  

In Zoho Desk, these are called comments and I just dont see anything related to that.


Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Try using this trigger for Zoho Desk



I’ve tried that as well and it does not pick up new comments within the new tickets.

Im at the point where I dont think this works.



Userlevel 7
Badge +14


You can try opening a ticket with Zapier Support here: