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When running my Zap, the company name and number showed as the question asked, not the responses.

  • 13 October 2022
  • 3 replies

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I am working to connect our calendly to our salesforce and I am running into an error. 

The Goal: When a new calendly event is created it will create a lead in salesforce. Calendly requests their name, email, company name, and phone number.


However, when I run the zap the company name and number show as the question asked and not the responses.  where is says company name should say enrich. phone number should be a number

​​This is the options it shows when creating the connections in zapier, I have tried both and neither generate the correct answer. 




3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @Lkampan 


I would suggest you search for “Answer” instead of searching for “Phone” 


Better yet, check Calendly for the phone number of the person in the trigger above then search for said phone number to get the accurate field. 

Userlevel 1

I figured it out. I needed to find the responses in the data

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Nice @Lkampan - thanks for letting us know!

Glad you were able to find the necessary data. We’ll be here if you run into any other bumps!
