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Trello Custom Label - New is always added

I put the custom label ‘Shift Log’ in my Zap and expect it to add the preexisting label ‘Shift Log’ which is already on the board to the card. Instead, it ALWAYS creates a new ‘no-color’ label ‘Shift Log’ even when one already exists.


How do I get it to add the preexisting label? Any help?


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37 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @thekerbal ,

Thanks for reaching out!

Unfortunately, this is a known issue. I can see that you’ve been working with Clint in Support and they suggested this as a possible workaround:

If you were to give the name "Shift Log" to one of the existing color labels, then assign that color in the Zap, it should work. So for example, if you renamed the existing Red label to "Shift Log", then picked Red from the "Label" dropdown in the Zap, that would assign the correct label.

Let us know if that does the trick and as you have been added as an impacted user of this bug, you will be notified just as there is an update! 


Moderator note: We’ve highlighted a couple of other possible workarounds in the thread below!

Userlevel 1

This is marked solved but I’m having the same problem and the workaround described isn’t going to work. I have a form feeding Trello and sometimes the form has one option checked and sometimes another. So setting the color the same for every Zap run won’t work.


The names pass but if I’ve changed those label colors at all, it makes brand new labels.


Please fix this! Should be something I’d hope!

Userlevel 1


Same problem

Please fix it !



Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hey all, we’ve updated the bug report to show that the workaround isn’t working, but we don’t yet have an ETA when this bug will be fixed. @PascalD - I’ve added you to the impacted users for this bug report. Thanks!

Userlevel 1

vital functionality

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hey everyone!

Another workaround (not ideal) is to add a Add Label to Trello Card step and use your existing label that way:

So you would add the Create Card step and then in the Add Label step you’d map the board and card from that previous step here…

… like this:

Again, not ideal that it adds an extra task but it does get the right label added.


If you need to add labels dynamically based on something in the trigger data (e.g. if Product X is purchased then use the product-x label) you can use a lookup table to do that. More info here. Here’s where you would get the label’s ID:

And you use that in this part of the lookup table:


Hi all,


I’m running in to this issue as well -- the “Add label to card” fix works great, but like Nick mentioned, it adds a task. My automation for generating trello cards runs many times per day, & since adding this step doubles task consumption, my total task count is gonna ROCKET. 


Just wanted to reply to keep this thread alive -- would really love to see a fix for this in the first card generation task so I can use those extra tasks in other areas. Thanks!

Userlevel 1

Hi all, 

What I did with mine as a workaround was on my Zap in the Description field, I added/inserted the label field from my data (i.e Priority). Note that in my case I am using Google Sheets and only use about three labels, so you may be using something completely different and have more or less labels. 

Then, on the Trello board I created an automation rule that when the description of a card contains "Low - Can be completed after other tasks.", add the blue "Low - Can be completed after other tasks." label to the card.

This helped to automatically add the label to my card without Zap creating duplicate labels. I used Zapier to pull in the data to create the card and automated Trello to add the label.

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Awesome! Thanks so much for sharing your workaround @viv123! I’m sure this will be super helpful for other impacted users and is super appreciated. 🤗


The fact that this isn't fixed for so long is hilarious and sad at the same time.


Furthermore adding the Find label on board as a step before creating a card doesn’t work. We can’t use the found ID to add a label - it always fails.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @smm 

FYI: Most apps on Zapier are built and maintained by the app developers themselves, and Zapier keeps an internal list of app requests.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


I just successfully used the Trello Find Label on Board Zap action.



@Troy Tessalone As a customer I don’t care who is responsible for this problem. I want a working product and I’m not getting one. Seeing that this problem wasn’t fix for so long doesn’t make you optimistic about the future. For now it looks like your approach to a malfunction of your product is to pass the problem on to the customer and do nothing to resolve the reported problem. I would like to point out that this is not a hobby project and you are charging money for it.


@Troy TessaloneYes, it finds label ID, but I can’t use this ID to add a label to the card in the Create Card in Trello step.


@Troy Tessalone it always ends with ‘ The app returned "The requested resource was not found.". ‘ error.


@Troy Tessalone Also this whole adding additional step to add label just looks like unnecessary action multiplication which is calculated on the multiplication of costs on the client side.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @smm 

To be clear, IF Trello owns and maintains their Zap app integration, then the responsibility would be for Trello (aka Atlassian parent company) to fix the issue, as Zapier is a platform for app developers to build upon.

Zapier makes app developers aware of submitted issues and feature requests related to their Zap app integration.


Have you tried using the Trello Add Label to Card Zap Action, which supports the Trello internal Label ID found from the Trello Find Label Zap action?


Zap Steps

  1. Trigger: ???
  2. Action: Trello - Create Card
  3. Action: Trello - Find Label
  4. Action: Trello - Add Label to Card



In order to do this in 1 action step, you’d have to use the Trello API:

App APIs can be used in Zap steps with the Webhooks app as an action step:

NOTE: App APIs are advanced approaches to Zap configs (hence why Zapier exists to democratize the use of app APIs and webhooks), and not fully supported by Zapier Support.


If you still have feedback, then it would be best to open a ticket with Zapier Support related to this issue:


@Troy TessaloneI tried but I got ‘ The app returned "invalid value for value". ‘ error.

According to common problems with Trello this shouldn’t have happen:

Error: Invalid Value for Value

This error message can happen if you set a custom text value in the Label field. Changing it to a default color from the dropdown should solve the issue. If you want to dynamically set the label, you'll need two extra steps:

  • Find/create label (searching on the label name from a previous step)
  • Add label to card
Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Please post screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured with the variables mapped between Zap steps in order for us to have context, evaluate, and advise, thanks.


@Troy Tessalone Also when I test this 4 step solution I got an error: The app returned "The requested resource was not found.". even though it seems to find all required data.


@Troy Tessalone 

step 1: ingest data

step 2: create card (works great without further steps)

step 3: find label id by name from step 1 (also no problems here)

step 4:


Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Try to select the Board instead of mapping the variable for the Board ID.



@Troy Tessalonesame error

It seems that card id is the problem here.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


This error message makes it seem like one of the 3 mapped variables no longer exists, meaning either the Trello Board, Trello Card, or Trello Label were deleted.

Make sure to manually test each of your Zap steps again in order from the Trigger step.