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New spreadsheet row triggers (Google Sheets)

  • 27 February 2020
  • 7 replies

We used to have the option to trigger a new row based on a certain column; now I seem to be getting errors when a new row is added and the columns are filled one by one. How can I avoid this issue?


A recruiter is at a fair. A potential client fills in Name, then Phone number, then Field of studies.

The flow seems to be triggering as soon as the name as filled, and since phone number and field of studies are filled after the name (and after the row is created) it is marking an error even though the information does get filled in later on.

I understand that a potential workaround would be to only copy in fully filled rows, but it kind of defeats the purpose of having the automation automatic.

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7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

With the New or Update Spreadsheet Row trigger it is possible to specify that the Zap should only trigger if a certain column changes.

Could I trouble you to please share a screenshot of the trigger set up so that we can see if there's something there that's causing the Zap to trigger when any column is filled?

Userlevel 2

Captura de Pantalla 2020-02-28 a la(s) 9.30.42 a. m..pngthe weird thing is that I USED to have the option to select the column but now it doesn't let me... It DOES have column headers - are they not selectable if the first row is frozen?

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Frozen rows or columns can sometimes mess up Google Sheets Zaps, so it would definitely be worth unfreezing that row and trying again.

Userlevel 2

How frustrating!

I just removed the frozen row, and also added a new row which has no filters, but it still doesn't give me the option to select which row is the trigger. Any other tips?

Captura de Pantalla 2020-03-04 a la(s) 10.37.10 a. m..pngCaptura de Pantalla 2020-03-04 a la(s) 10.39.38 a. m..png

Userlevel 2

Also just gave it a try with a completely new and fresh spreadsheet and still no luck!

Captura de Pantalla 2020-03-04 a la(s) 10.49.37 a. m..png

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hmm, that's an odd one.

Could you do a bit of an experiment and delete the row with filters completely? So that you just have one header row with the titles of each column. You can do that in your new test sheet to make sure that you're not messing with the original data.

Then make sure sure that you click the 'Refresh fields' button in the Zap so that it goes back to the sheet to check for the header row.

Userlevel 2


Good news - I was able to find the option to select the column. I was expecting to see it in the screen where I was selecting the Spreadsheet and Worksheet, but it turns out I was selecting the wrong trigger and the Column selector wasn't until the next step in the process.

Yesterday I was able to get it working :)