@ForHerEmpire I don’t have experience using Calendly inside Zapier but you should be able to trigger off of an “invitee created” trigger for a Calendly account and then add a filter step to only continue if the event name contains “coaching” or something similar. That way while the zap would be triggered off of all events created it will only run for events that have the word coaching in the event name.
As @PaulKortman said, it sounds like using a Filter step would be the best option here. If you’ve not used a filter before, you can find about more about how they work and how to use them in this guide: Add conditions to Zaps with filters
Hey @Danvers & @PaulKortman, et. al.!
I’m coming here because I have the same question and I don’t think this solution resolves it. Here’s why—
I have two separate Event Types in Calendly. Let’s call them Event Type 1 and Event Type 2.
Zapier only allows a trigger by ANY event booking. So, no matter what kind of event someone books, the zap is triggered. This doesn’t really work for me because Event Type 1 asks different questions upon booking than Event Type 2, and I’d like to update my Airtable record for that customer based on what kind of event they booked.
I tried a workaround that finishes up the zap with a Path, where Path A > Updated Airtable record if “Event Type” was “Event Type 1” and Path B > Updated Airtable record if “Event Type” was “Event Type 2”. This doesn’t work, however, because the trigger (ANY Calendly booking) only comes from the test trigger you pull in, so you can only pull in fields related to Event Type 1 OR Event Type 2, which means all Event Type 2 fields will never be updated in Airtable, if Event Type 1 is my trigger (or vice versa).
Any thoughts here, friends?
What if you had all the fields available in every Airtable record, and used Views to segment them there?
Master = every record, all of which will have half their fields blank.
Event Type 1 = filtered to only show if a record contains data in a field asked for there and not the other
Event Type 2 = filtered to only show if a record contains data in a field asked for there and not the other
It’s not sexy, but it would get the job done. Additionally, the Airtable “new record in view” trigger is extremely useful if you need follow-up actions.
@adamsmartschan Yes, this was totally what I was thinking! The problem is that the TRIGGER only pulls in data from whatever event type you link it to and each event type has different questions. So, I don’t even see an option for all of those “blank” fields that exist in the other event types in order to set up a 2 paths to go to different fields in Airtable.
What about an interstitial Google Sheet with columns for every possible field? That would make them available for the Airtable Action, even if they’ll only carry a payload half the time.
UPDATE: Wait, no. Darn it.
@adamsmartschan Oh! I came here to say that sounded brilliant! Don’t know what the update is all about, but that seemed like it would work?
@adamsmartschan I got this to work! It required:
- Two separate zaps, triggered by Calendly:
- Calendly Event Type 1 pulled in > Filter: Only proceed if EventTypeName: Event Type 1 > Add New Row to Google Sheet
- Calendly Event Type 2 pulled in > Filter: Only proceed if EventTypeName: Event Type 2 > Add New Row to Google Sheet
- A third zap, triggered by New Row in that Google Sheet
- New Row in Google Sheet > Find record in Airtable (+ create Record if it doesn’t yet exist) > Update record in Airtable if it does already exist
@Danvers I would love to see this feature request added:
Calendly Trigger can be specific to different Event Types
Because this is adding a lot of extra Zapier Tasks + Zaps (which ups plan charges) just to get something that simple to work!
Thanks, all! This can be marked as resolved.
Hi @Brandi would you be able to drop the Support Team an email with that feature request? When it comes to creating new requests, they’re the best folks to handle that as they can make sure that they capture everything that you’re looking to do. You can get in touch with them through the Get help form
Any progress on making it possible to choose the events. I have an integration with MailerLite and I need to map certain events to certain mailing groups. And some events I do not want in any mailer group.
An all or nothing approach isn’t working very well. :/
Hi @Ali_Pruitt
Thanks for your message and I’m sorry that the Calendly integration isn’t working in the way that you need it. We do have a feature request open for the option to only trigger a Zap for certain event types and I’ve added you as an interested user on that request, which lets the team know how many people are interested in the feature and also means that we will send you an email when we have an update.
In the meantime, have you seen @Brandi’s workaround above? Do you think that would work for you?
@Danvers, What is the current status of the filter on Calendly event types? This is a feature that I’d like to add into a zap and I’m not thrilled that it will take a plan upgrade.
Welcome to the Community, @Kwwellness! :)
I did some checking and I don’t have any updates to share on this at the minute. I’ve added your vote to that feature request so we will contact you by email as soon as it’s been implemented.
As an alternative to using a Filter step, it may be possible to import rows into different Google Sheets worksheets using an IMPORTRANGE formula. Essentially you’d need to get the Zap to also record the event type in a column when saving the event details to a new row in Google Sheets. Then the formula would check what the event type is when the row is added and import that automatically into a different worksheet. Here’s a thread I found online that talks about the formula you’d need: Import data from a Google spreadsheet to another based on a cell value
So you could have a Zap that adds all Calendly events into Google Sheets, then the formula would import them into specific worksheets based on the event type.
If you’re looking to carry out different actions based on the type of event, you could have another Zap(s) that uses the New Spreadsheet Row trigger for Google Sheets. This would trigger whenever a new event is imported into a specific “event type” worksheet in the spreadsheet and allow you to then carry out the desired action - without the new to upgrade to a paid Zapier plan.
I hope this helps!
I got this to work when I removed the “secret” setting from my single event type. And make sure you have an event in the que that it can pull test data from.
I got this to work when I removed the “secret” setting from my single event type. And make sure you have an event in the que that it can pull test data from.
@Adriana L , could you expand on how you removed the secret setting? I would love to get this working. At this point, it seems like continuing to manually add people who sign up for Event Type 1 is faster than creating a Zap recipe that actually works!
Thanks for sharing!
Welcome to the Community, @Kwwellness! :)
I did some checking and I don’t have any updates to share on this at the minute. I’ve added your vote to that feature request so we will contact you by email as soon as it’s been implemented.
As an alternative to using a Filter step, it may be possible to import rows into different Google Sheets worksheets using an IMPORTRANGE formula. Essentially you’d need to get the Zap to also record the event type in a column when saving the event details to a new row in Google Sheets. Then the formula would check what the event type is when the row is added and import that automatically into a different worksheet. Here’s a thread I found online that talks about the formula you’d need: Import data from a Google spreadsheet to another based on a cell value
So you could have a Zap that adds all Calendly events into Google Sheets, then the formula would import them into specific worksheets based on the event type.
If you’re looking to carry out different actions based on the type of event, you could have another Zap(s) that uses the New Spreadsheet Row trigger for Google Sheets. This would trigger whenever a new event is imported into a specific “event type” worksheet in the spreadsheet and allow you to then carry out the desired action - without the new to upgrade to a paid Zapier plan.
I hope this helps!
Hi SamB,
is there anything new about the feature request “for the option to only trigger a Zap for certain event types”?
It would help a lot.
Thanks and regards
I got this to work when I removed the “secret” setting from my single event type. And make sure you have an event in the que that it can pull test data from.
@Adriana L , could you expand on how you removed the secret setting? I would love to get this working. At this point, it seems like continuing to manually add people who sign up for Event Type 1 is faster than creating a Zap recipe that actually works!
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Adriana, would also be interesting for me.
Thanks in advance!
Hi there, @jobvalley_patrick! Thanks for reaching out.
While we don’t have updates to share at the moment, I did get your vote added to that feature request! We’ll be sure to send an email and keep the thread updated once we know more. 
I would really like to see this too. I would like to create a workflow in Clickup when someone books a paid consulting session, but not for the other events.
Thanks for reaching out, @JennyMuc! I’ve got your vote added to that. 
@christina.d Please add me to the YES vote for this update to allow zaps to differentiate between events in Calendly!!
Please add my vote to this feature request.
Sorry for the delay in a response here @TimeWiz and @wschaeffer!
No news on when or if this feature would be definitely implemented but I can confirm that you’ve both had your votes added. So you can expect an email from us once it is! 
Hey @Danvers & @PaulKortman, et. al.!
I’m coming here because I have the same question and I don’t think this solution resolves it. Here’s why—
I have two separate Event Types in Calendly. Let’s call them Event Type 1 and Event Type 2.
Zapier only allows a trigger by ANY event booking. So, no matter what kind of event someone books, the zap is triggered. This doesn’t really work for me because Event Type 1 asks different questions upon booking than Event Type 2, and I’d like to update my Airtable record for that customer based on what kind of event they booked.
I tried a workaround that finishes up the zap with a Path, where Path A > Updated Airtable record if “Event Type” was “Event Type 1” and Path B > Updated Airtable record if “Event Type” was “Event Type 2”. This doesn’t work, however, because the trigger (ANY Calendly booking) only comes from the test trigger you pull in, so you can only pull in fields related to Event Type 1 OR Event Type 2, which means all Event Type 2 fields will never be updated in Airtable, if Event Type 1 is my trigger (or vice versa).
Any thoughts here, friends?
I am in the same boat right now, any advice?
Thanks for reaching out here @Sedric Louissaint. I’ve added your vote to the feature request to help bump up it’s priority and allow us to send you an email notification as soon as it’s added.
With the added issue of it not being able to select the fields from the other event types if using paths it should be possible to change the selected test record to the other event type and then to map the necessary fields for the relevant actions in the path that handles that specific event type. And a similar approach can be used if using filters across multiple Zaps to handle different event types.
And if a new test record can’t be loaded with the desired fields, but they the fields are present in the Zap history when the Zap runs then you could potentially use custom pill mapping to manually select the missing event fields. You can find out more about how to do custom pill mapping here:
Hope that helps to get things up and running in the meantime!