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How do I handle a null value for time from Monday on Google Calendar entry

  • 27 May 2022
  • 8 replies

I am creating a google calendar entry for a delivery date/time column in Monday.  Once the delivery is scheduled, I only know the day.  The zap errors out because no time was entered.  I would like to set a default time in my Zap to midnight or 1am since I don’t know the timeframe until the day before the delivery.

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8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @YHowe 

Good question.

You can set a static time value as part of the GCal field.


You can use Formatter > Text > Default Value.

My apologies, Troy - I’m very new.  Is this set in Zapier or Monday.  FYI - I’m currently using the free plan version of zapier.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Please post screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured in order for us to have more context, thanks.


Thanks, Troy - per my email above, we get a delivery date a few days after a record is created for the customer.  Then, as the delivery date approaches, we get a time.  Since I don’t have the time when the zap runs to create/update the entry in Google Calendar, the Zap errors out with a Status Code 400 Bad Request - it’d be ideal if we could get a default time set for when the value is null. 







Userlevel 7
Badge +14


You can set a static time value after the date for these fields.

e.g. [Cab Delivery] 12am


Setting the time to 12:00a does not allow the time to update when I set it to the actual delivery time in Monday - the time remains set to 12:00a.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Please clarify what Monday Zap trigger event you are using.

This help article provide info about how to use the Formatter > Text > Default Value step that can be used to check if a value exists and if so use that value, else use a default value:

NOTE: Zaps with 3+ steps require a Zapier paid plan.

Thanks, Troy - I assumed it was a limitation of the plan I am using.  Thanks for the additional info.