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Fix and Flip Leads into Call Tools

  • 19 March 2020
  • 5 replies

Hey everybody I am new to the group and just set up my first Zap. I was wondering if anyone had suggestions and or input regarding my F & F web forms and integrating them into my cold calling service Call Tools. Thanks!

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5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @Santos40, welcome to the Community!


Is your Zap doing what you need it to? It looks like it’s taking Leads from Fix and Fill and sending them as a contact to CallTools - have you seen new contact in CallTalls from the Zap since you turned it on?

If you’re having any trouble please don’t hesitate to let us know!

Well yes the thing is I also had one of our FB ad managers to set up a zapier integration with FB Ad lead forms on top of my integration with Fix & Flip. The thing is, I can’t distinguish the difference between the new leads. They show up under contacts as web leads with no way of Identifying the lead source. Second I want them to go directly into their respected campaigns that I created in CallTools. It is a bit harder than I anticipated.  

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @Santos40 In the CallTools step of the Zap, could I ask what fields you see? If you could take a screenshot of the ‘customize’ part of the step, that would be super helpful!

Sure again thanks for your help!

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @Santos40 I’m sorry for the delay in getting back to you on this!

It looks like there isn’t a way to add a user to a campaign in CallTools using their Zapier integrations, I’m sorry about that! I've created a feature request for the ability to do that, to let the CallTools team know that it would be a useful addition for you. This means that:

  • We can track other user’s interest in this feature
  • We’ll send you an email if this feature is added by the CallTools team

In terms of indicating the lead source in the Zap, it looks like you’re currently using a custom field for that, which would be my suggestion here. If there is usually a field for lead source when you look at a Contact in CallTools, let me know and I can add another feature request to show lead source in the Zap. 


​I hope that's clear, please let me know if you have any questions!