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Comment from trello in ClickUp

  • 3 November 2022
  • 3 replies

How do I zapp a comment from trello to ClickUp?

I only see such fields:



The only one working is Card Comments but it looks like this (I marked the comment in green):

Is there any way to make it more simple? I need to zapp the text marked in green only.

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3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @Amso!

Could you let us know where that Trello information is coming from eg which trigger are you using? Or is it the Find card action? If we know that we can take a closer look at the fields with you :) 

Hi @Danvers :)

I use Card moved to list.
I hope that I've answered your question :)



Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey @Amso just stepping in for Danvers here! Hmm, from what I can see, I would expect the comments to come across through the “Card Comments” field. Are you positive there were comments on the “test zapier” card before testing step 1 of your Zap to find samples? If you added them after testing, you would have to reload the samples in the test section of that step to be able to find the comment(s).

If you’ve done all of that and they still aren’t coming across, I would suggest reaching out to our support team for further investigation/to double-check this is, in fact, possible! You can get in touch with them using this form:

We’ll be sure to follow along either way as we want to make sure you get the answers you’re after!