I think I figured it out. Please correct me if I’m wrong, and/or add other alternatives:
Can I connect Zapier with my GPT?
Yes, but
your GPT can not be used as a step within a Zap workflow. Instead, Zapier can be used within your GPT.
By using actions.zapier.com, you can authorize ChatGPT (Plus) to perform actions in other apps — like how the GPT in the OpenAI DevDay keynote sent a Slack message.
A Zap workflow step can interact with an OpenAI Assistant, which can have custom knowledge like a GPT, and doesn’t require a ChatGPT Plus subscription. You can create an OpenAI Assistant at platform.openai.com/assistants — note that to select GPT-4 in your Assistant, you need purchase at least $5 of credits for your OpenAI account.
Like a GPT, you build an Assistant by writing a single Instructions field, and you have the option to upload custom knowledge Files. For my use case, copy-pasting the same Instructions and Files was enough to create an Assistant that mimicked my GPT, and now my GPT OpenAI Assistant is a step within my Zap workflow.
Unlike a GPT, an Assistant can not browse the web by default, tho OpenAI forums suggest a Function could call the Tavily API for browsing... 
we want to be able to access our own GPTs from ChatGPT!!
Hi @Doyle2 and @maiia! 
Just wanted to confirm that GPTs and Assistants are not the same thing. The Conversation With Assistant (ChatGPT) action uses the Assistants API. So if you set up a custom GPT you can’t then use a ChatGPT app action to call that GPT.
So @Doyle2 is correct, currently the GPT cannot be selected within a Zap action. But Zapier can indeed be used within your GPT. You can find out more about how to use Zapier within your GPTs here: Use Zapier with your OpenAI GPTs.
The Assistant’s API overview here may help to better illustrate how to use the Assistants API actions. And you can learn more about how to use the Assistants API actions within your Zaps here: Use OpenAI's Assistants API with your Zaps.
Hope this helps. Please do let us know if you run into any further issues or questions at all! 
I have the same need. I would like a to connect Zapier to my own GPT within OpenAI to be able to use it as a step in a Zap.
Thanks for letting us know, @dahlberg. I’m sorry it’s still not possible to do that currently.
I’d recommend reaching out to the Zapier AI support team to have a feature request created on your behalf for this. You can do that using the form here: https://ai-feedback.zapier.app/contact-nla
Wish I had a more immediate solution to suggest here. Please do let us know if we you have any questions in the meantime!
@Doyle2 - You nailed it! I’ve been providing OpenAI feedback about the confusion between GPTs and the Assistants API. Also love that you’re playing around with other APIs to mimic the browsing API. There are some other interesting ones from Metaphor and Perplexity that you might enjoy checking out too!
FWIW - The Google And Bing Search APIs are also both pretty straightforward to build custom integrations for into Zapier. I was able to do it using ChatGPT as my pair programmer and the visual builder. If you need a hand, you know how to find me. :)
Thanks for the above explanations. The overlapping terminology is confusing to me too, so I appreciate any clarification.
Is it possible to do this?
- Create a custom GPT.
- Have a chat message prompt sent to it ➜ Zapier to run a specific Zap ➜ return what it outputted. Not just “GPT actions” but an existing Zap I have.
For example:
- A user loads a custom GPT I shared that anyone can use.
- They type the intended input, like “analyze this story”.
- The input triggers a Zap, runs through all the task steps.
- Then the Zap’s output gets returned to that custom GPT.
The important thing here would be using ChatGPT to trigger and return info from a SPECIFIC ZAP (again, not just “AI Actions” in the general sense).
I’m trying to disambiguate what’s possible, as I noted from earlier threads, custom GPTs aren’t yet supported “out of the box”, but wondering if there’s some way to do something close to the above.
When I got to Zapier and look at triggers, OpenAI and ChatGPT are “No trigger available”, so I’m wondering if there’s another way to do this.
Ah, it’s not possible currently but there’s now a feature request open to have support for custom GPTs added to the ChatGPT app - discussed in a related thread here:
That functionality would allow the Zap to send the necessary information back to the GPT which is what you’d need for that kind of workflow. And your vote has been added to that. I can’t make any promises around when or if custom GPTs would definitely be supported in Zaps, but we’ll definitely send you an email notification as soon as they are!
Also wanted to share this blog post that explains the differences between GPTs and Assistants in case it’s helpful in further clarifying what’s possible: GPTs vs. Assistants: What's the difference?