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Whisper AI Integration Issue: Repeating Words in Transcriptions and Translations

  • 26 January 2024
  • 4 replies

I am attempting to use the Whisper ai integration to translate/transcribe calls, but often times I’ve been running into an issue where it’ll repeat the same word like a hundred times. For instance, this call was transcribed as a few lines of the actual transcription, but then shortly after, it puts “Thank you. “ more than 300 times.

I’ve had a similar thing with an other call that was supposed to be translated from spanish, but just resulted in another similar issue.

Upon downloading the actual recording from the exact same link, I hear no issues that would cause that. I did some research about bug reports with whisper, and while there are reports, they’re not meant for the Zapier version. Here’s the forum post I was reading. There’s also a line of code provided that can fix it, but I’m not sure how to apply it here, if its even possible:

python -m pip install --upgrade --no-deps --force-reinstall git+


Thanks for the help in advance.

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Thanks so much for flagging this in the Community, @Ryan Tripi

I can see that you also reached out to our Support team and they’ve opened up a bug report for this issue. I can’t provide any estimates as to when that will be resolved by but we’ll definitely email you as soon as it is. You wouldn’t be able to apply that sort of change on your end as it’s likely a fix that needs to be applied by the folks maintaining the OpenAI app itself. We’ve got the information you shared here regarding that potential fix noted on the bug report, in case it’s helpful to our developers in getting this fixed! 🤞

Thanks again for flagging this, we’ll be sure post any updates or workarounds we come across in the thread here in the meantime. 

Hi, i’m having the exact same problem : while trying to transcibe audio message from a phone it sometimes returnes with a repeating message (which has nothing to do with the catual audio content).

Do you have any tips to avoid this ? 



Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @Epsibox 👋

Sorry to hear that you’re running into this intermittent issue as well. I’ve added you to the list of folks being impacted by this. This helps to increase it’s priority and allows us to notify you by email as soon as it’s resolved. 

Thanks for your patience in the meantime!


I have also been having this issue for the last 6+ months. Surely it must be fixed by now? This problem was highlighted in February so that is a hell of a long time to wait for fix. Can this be made a priority? Any idea when it will be fixed?

Can you recommend a workaround for the time being? Are there any other transcription services that can easily replace Whisper?

Look forward to hearing from you. 
