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The "Create a new post" event for WordPress does not work

  • 13 August 2023
  • 8 replies

Hello! I did an automation of creating wordpress articles in zapier. The problem is that when the zap is execute, the step of creating wordpress articles is skipping. But when I do a test manually, the creation of wordpress articles works well. I noticed that the step meets the error: “ WordPress ran into an issue. Error code 401: API key is missing”

8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @jsnenon 

Good question.

We would need to see detailed screenshots with how your Zap steps are configured, thanks.



Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Can you post a screenshot of the Zap Run error?



Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Try checking your WordPress Zap app connection:

Userlevel 1

@jsnenon, I’m seeing this exact same error and I believe I have found a solution, for my problem at least. I have 2 sites, both are nearly identical to one another, and one worked and one kind of worked, but not very stable. I went through and started comparing the 2 sites, and my hosting company (WPMUDEV) has a security plugin that runs in the background. For whatever reason, that security plugin worked fine in the beginning but over time it began to cause issues. I think their plugin might be keeping track of the same thing hitting the sever in mass and flagging it. 



My suggestion, check and see if you have any security plugins running on your site, disable them, and run your zap again and see if that error persists. 

Hope that helps! 


Userlevel 1

ok, I was apparently incorrect. Removing the security plugin did not fix it, again, my setup is apparently very unstable and sometimes it works fine, other times it errors out. Sorry about that. 


If anyone has a good fix, I’m all ears! 

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi there @jsnenon and @MikeFreeman,

I’m jumping in to see if I can help!

Before we dig deeper into this, could you please try replaying the errored run in the Zap History to see if it’ll go through?

You can learn more about replaying errored runs here:

Please keep me posted! 
