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SysAid Error: authentication failed: Error from SysAid: Enduser login failed.%njava.lang.NullPointerException

  • 14 December 2023
  • 5 replies

I recently logged back into my Zapier account to double check why some zaps have recently been failing. I saw that my connection with SysAid has been expired and to reconnect. I followed the process for reconnecting but was unsuccessful. I tried to delete the connection and just add a new one with the exact same required information and have run into this error.

I have verified with the IT team that the information I put into the login page was correct. There isn’t any pop that showed up, as well as the account in question never had it’s permissions changed since I last used it.


Any help would be appreciated. 

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @cashco 

Try reaching out to SysAid Support for help with their Zap app integration.

Hello @Troy Tessalone ,


I have already reached out to them, but I thought that I might as well ask here while I was at it in case anyone had seen it before.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi there @cashco,

I’m jumping in to see if I can help.

I did some digging into this, and it seems like this error might be a config issue. Could you please confirm if you are using the correct account in the “Account” field while logging in to SysAid with Zapier?

For more context:

The Account input field on the auth step is supposed to be an "account ID" (it gets sent on to the API as account_id), and the use of non account_id for that field is likely to be incorrect.

Please keep us posted!

@ken.a  Hello,


Thanks for the response. I have confirmed with our IT department that account ID i supplied was correct, so it might not be that. But they are going to reach out to SysAid to see if there’s something else we should be putting there.



Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Thanks for the update here @cashco,

It seems this issue isn't unique, as other SysAid users have encountered it too. They reached out to SysAid directly and successfully resolved it.

Keep in mind that SysAid's integration with Zapier is managed and maintained by them, so reaching out to them is definitely the right move.

Thanks! 😊
