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QuickBooks Online error: Required field "Product Name" (name) is missing

We have an active Zap to create Quickbooks receipt. A transaction is made through our website, using Stripe, then the data from the transaction is input into Quickbooks which creates and emails an invoice.

A recent issue is the offer id is not showing up so no receipts can be generate.

Stripe was contacted and the payments seem to be going through.

We are trying to determine whether this is a Quickbooks, website (Kijabi) or Stripe integration problem.

Here is the issue:


3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @AChiro 

Good question.

We’d need to see detailed screenshots with how all the Zap steps are configured in order to have full context.


Based on mapped variable that has no value, it appears the value is empty in Stripe, which may be a result of it not being configured correctly in Kajabi or Stripe.


This is how it is set up. I have tested all the steps to be working up to Step 4. The transaction from Kajabi is a subscription payment so I wonder if anything in the process needs to be set up differently to properly show up in Stripe.

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @AChiro,

I’m jumping in to see if I can help!

It looks like you have already contacted our Support team regarding your concern. Here’s their latest response:

Upon checking the recent errors in the Zap, it looks like the Stripe trigger doesn't return the "metadata kjb offer id" value. 

  • Link: 
  • Screenshot:
I noticed that we're using the Legacy version of the Stripe app. Could you please try updating the app version by changing the app and reselecting Stripe?
  • Link: 
  • Screenshots: 

Once done, kindly republish the Zap, and let's see if this will fix the issue.

I suggest continuing this conversation with our Support team via email to avoid confusion.

Thank you for understanding!
