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OAuth redirect URL provided by Zapier returns 404 on Zapier

  • 6 June 2024
  • 3 replies

Hi team, I am working on setting up a Zapier integration using the OAuth v2 flow.

After the user is successfully logged in on our app then the app redirects the user back to the Zapier OAuth redirect url e.g However when the user is redirected to the mentioned Zapier OAuth redirect url with the authorization code appended, it throws a 404 error when it tries to open the Zapier page. I noticed this does not happen when I sign in and authorize with other apps. I also confirmed the redirect URI is the same on my end and Zapier’s end.

 Is it possible i am forgetting to include something, or perhaps the URL provided by Zapier has an issue?

Hi @irv 

If you are building a Zap app integration using the Zapier Developer Platform, then best to post your topic in the Developer Zone category:

thanks just opened a new question here, thanks !

Thanks for doing that @irv🙂

I’m going to close this topic out now but I’ll share a link to the new question that was posted for anyone that’s comes across this and wants to follow along: