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Mailchimp error: "Trigger partner failure: Resource Not Found"

  • 26 January 2024
  • 5 replies

I have a simple two-step zap that has been running successfully for over a year. In the last 48 hours, I’ve received over 30 “possible error” messages for this zap. I actually have two very similar zaps, and it’s happening for both of them.

Each message is the same: “Trigger partner failure: Resource Not Found - The requested resource could not be found.”

Strangely, when I look at the zap history, there’s nothing for this zap there. No errors. No successful runs, either -- it hasn’t been firing at all (which is expected). Yet the error messages keep coming.

When I edit the zap and try to pull in more records for the test phase, I get a similar error message: “Unable to pull subscribers. Please reload the page. If the issue persists, troubleshoot error or contact Support. Error code: Error while retrieving: Resource Not Found - The requested resource could not be found.”

The trigger is “New Subscriber in Segment or Tag in Mailchimp.” I tested the Mailchimp connection itself, and it’s working great.

If I change the Mailchimp audience or the tag, the test data is pulled in with no issues. It seems to be a problem with this tag only.

I confirmed that the tag still exists in Mailchimp.

Zapier just turned off the zap, saying there were too many errors. 

Does anyone have any advice on what’s happening here?

Screenshots provided, in case they’re helpful. 


5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @purpose-collective 

Check that the options configured in the Mailchimp Zap trigger are still valid. (try reconfiguring the Zap trigger step.)

Thanks, Troy. I know the trigger is still valid, because if I change the tag, the Zap works fine...

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi there @purpose-collective,

I’m jumping in to see if I can help!

Before we dig deeper into this, could you please try reconnecting your Mailchimp account? After that, please head to your trigger step and re-select the “Audience” and “Segment or Tag” field and test the trigger step again.

Kindly give it a try and let me know how it goes? I'll keep an eye out for your response!


Hi Ken, I tried those steps (again) and got the same error message as before (again). I don’t think this is an issue with the connection, because if I choose a different tag, it works fine. It’s only this particular tag that throws an error.

I even tried rebuilding the entire zap from scratch and I got the same error. If I choose a different tag in Mailchimp, it works fine. Here’s a Loom video showing that process: 

Any idea why the system would reject that specific tag?

And before you ask, yes that tag (“Send wine club voicemail”) is still active in Mailchimp. See the attached screenshot. 


Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi there @purpose-collective,

I did some digging into this, and it seems like Mailchimp is telling Zapier that the Audience and Tag are both valid and available. However, when Zapier asks for the tags, Mailchimp is telling us that is can't seem to find them. Other tags do not experience this issue.

Since we do not have visibility into what's happening on that side:

I totally understand the hesitation, and I really wish I had a different answer for you. 

I appreciate your patience and understanding.
