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Issue with my Apollo,io inegrating with Zapier

Hello  I’m having issues with Apollo triggers.  I am initiating off of a new contact and that does not seem to be starting my Zap and sending to my google sheets. Any workaround here?

Hi there @joshuaroo23,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

Before we dig deeper into this, could you please check out our help article regarding the issue of Zap not triggering?

Please let me know if this resolves your issue. I'll be keeping an eye out for your response.


I am having the exact same issue


Hi Ken,

This did not resolve my issue. It seems there are a lot of people with this problem. I’ve spoken to Apollo and received this response:

“Our team conducted a thorough investigation to address the issue you reported. Unfortunately, we were unable to reproduce the problem. We also reviewed the logs for any anomalies but found none. Typically, if the issue were on our side, there would be indications in the logs or other signs of the problem, but we observed none of these. Therefore, we conclude that the issue is not originating from our end unless further evidence suggests otherwise.

Please don't hesitate to reach out to us with any further feedback or concerns you may have.”

Therefore, either Apollo are wrong, or the issue is with Zapier.

Please can we get a solution to this because this problem seems to be prevalent with hundreds of users (I’m not the first one to complain about this issue), and it’s costing me thousands in revenue per year.


I am having the exact same issue


Andrew, best thing you can do is raise a ticket with Zapier and on this help forum. The more we complain, hopefully they’ll put resource into solving this bug, as it seems to have been around for a long time!

I am having the exact same issue


Andrew, best thing you can do is raise a ticket with Zapier and on this help forum. The more we complain, hopefully they’ll put resource into solving this bug, as it seems to have been around for a long time!

I agree. I've noticed many similar discussions about this issue. The fact that my test records work, but the trigger itself does not, suggests to me that there might be an issue with Zapier.

Hi @joshuaroo23,

I can see that you have contacted our Support Team regarding an issue you are facing while using the "New Contact" trigger in Apollo. It appears that this issue is a bug, and our Support Team has already added you to the bug report.

I have also added you, @AndrewJoe, to the open bug report. Unfortunately, we cannot provide you with an exact timeframe for the bug's fix at the moment. However, please note that the Apollo app is managed and maintained by the Apollo developers. It might be helpful to reach out to them and inform them that you are encountering a bug with their app, as they have access to our internal bug reports.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Hi Ken - do you have any updates on this? I would pay good money to get your tech team to look into this soon and get it fixed.

Hi @joshuaroo23,

Unfortunately, the bug report is still open and there are no updates from the Apollo team. I suggest reaching out to them directly to inquire about the bug affecting your use of their app through Zapier, as they are responsible for maintaining and updating their integration.

I appreciate your patience and understanding.

I’ve spoke to them directly, and they say it’s an issue on Zapier’s side.

Hi @joshuaroo23 👋

That’s most odd indeed! I’ve double-checked on this end and the Apollo integration on Zapier is definitely owned and maintained by their own developers. While our team will always do our best to assist developers as much as possible from our side to help get issues resolved, ultimately it will be down to the app’s own developers to implement a fix for any open issues.

There’s already an existing topic in Community tracking affected users for this issue, where I’ve just shared a potential workaround there. So I’m going to close this topic now so we can keep things tracked in a single place. We’ll be sure to share any updates we get from their team on the status of this bug as well as any further workarounds in the main topic here: 

For anyone that comes across this and wants to be added please reach out on the main topic for this issue here to be added to the bug report. Thanks!