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Facebook Ads offline Conversation - Executing create.offline event.operations.perform facebook error

We are getting following error when trying to upload offline conversation in Facebook Ads. Could you please help me out with the follow error


Executing creates.offline_event.operation.perform with bundle {"message":""} Console logs: ` as error, which we cannot read.



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4 replies

Hey @Ajay Mamgain 


I can see someone from our Support team replied to your email about this error.


Let us know how you get on once you’ve followed up on that thread!

I’m not getting Email from support. Is it possible to have a quick call to go through it ?

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @Ajay Mamgain!

We don’t offer phone support as we’ve found that email is better for troubleshooting Zaps because you can share screenshots and videos, which make it a lot easier to see what’s happening with your Zaps and where you might be having trouble. 

I can see that the support team have sent you an email and our systems are showing that it should have reached you. If it’s not in your inbox, please could you take a look at your spam folder to make sure it’s not arrived there by mistake. Thanks!

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey @Ajay Mamgain! I just caught up on your support ticket and wanted to circle back for anyone following along. After digging into our logs for this, we were able to locate a more granular error message that reads:

"message": "(#10) You do not have permission to upload events to this offline event set.The action requires that you must at least be either the event set uploader or business admin.",

Next steps here would be to confirm that the FB account that's being used in the Zap is either the event set uploader or business admin.

From there, it looks like you were asking about how best to import offline conversions from Marketo Webhooks into Facebook, to which my colleague Liam suggested:

It should be possible to use the Facebook Conversions with the new partner integration. I have a helpful guide that provides more information on the integration here:

Hope that helps!