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Bullhorn Contact details not pulling, and missing phone/email merge tags in Google Contacts

Bullhorn doesn’t seem to be pulling through contact details for a candidate record. Example - I want to add a contact in Google Contacts when a new candidate is added to Bullhorn. The Zap seems to be possible, but in the action box, the phone number and email address merge tags don’t come up as an option. Does anyone know why this is? Am I doing something wrong?

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi there @katdadswell 👋 -

Welcome to Zapier Community! When testing this out myself, I selected: 

  1. Trigger - New Client Contact (Bullhorn CRM) 
  2. Action - Create Contact (Google Contacts) 

And found I was able to see both phone number and email fields (see here). Is this what you meant by phone number and email merge tags? Am I following correctly? 

Hi Chanelle, yes that’s what I meant. But then the yellow box isn’t available for email or phone as it is for first name and surname. Is this not needed?

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Ahh @katdadswell I see what you are saying. I do not think that it is needed in those spaces, as it will all pull into one contact. The result of which should be each field mapping over appropriately. Why don’t you give it a try and let me know how it goes? If you’d like to add any screenshots for me to take a look at and make adjustments, I’ll be here ready to help! 


Hey Chanelle, thank you so much for your help on this!!

It doesn’t seem to be working?

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Of course! Hmm @katdadswell, let me see if taking a closer look can help clear this up. Can you please provide a screenshot of your overall Zap set up, similar to this, so I can take a look? 
