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Asana empty data point for Task Parent

When using Asana task updated trigger all custom fields are contained within the Custom Fields Enum. However I see that there’s a dedicated field for Task Parent but it never has a value. It looks like what I need (to identify the parent of my subtask—by name or id) but it’s just blank. Asana has no insight into the field in Zapier, so wondering if Zapier does… ?



5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @JDNelson 

When that field is blank that may indicate the Task is a Task NOT a Subtask, which would have a Task Parent.

I’ve checked both task and subtask, both have 0 data in that field.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


For the Zap trigger: Asana - New Subtask it shows parent info.

For the Zap trigger: Asana - New Task it does not show parent info.

For the Zap trigger: Asana - Updated Task that may only trigger on Tasks (not Subtasks), thus why there is no parent info.


That’s fantastic information, and makes a lot of sense. Thank you so much!

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @JDNelson!

Thanks for following up here to confirm that Troy’s post helped to answer your question - it’s most appreciated. 🤗 And a big thanks to @Troy Tessalone for helping to clarify why the parent fields weren’t being displayed! 🙌 

Please do reach out to the Community again in future if you have further questions or need any help at all. In the meantime, happy Zapping! ⚡
