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Alexa goes through all steps, but when it comes time add task to my list it says "oops, I ran into a problem"

Trying to use Alexa to create a new Task in I’ve created the zap, and it works in that i can do a test and it shows in my Task List in, and when i tell Alexa to run the zap it does and gives right prompts, etc. so that I can speak the task i want to add, but then at this last step, adding to Alexa says: “Oops, I ran into a problem.” I’ve changed everything i can think of and again, it all works with the test zap, but in the end i can’t add a Task to using zapier with Alexa.

57 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @BenBeck,

I have added you to the list of affected members. We will keep you in the loop via email once there’s a fix for the bug.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Has this been fixed?  I was about to make a Zap for this function, but if it’s not working  yet I won’t bother. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @JimSpy! 👋

I just checked on the bug report and the issue is still ongoing. I can’t give any sort of ETA on when you can expect a fix to be implemented by, but I’ve added you to the list of folks who’ll get notified as soon as it’s resolved. 🙂

Hi, I signed up to Zapier in the last few days and am also having this issue (my Zap is trying to use Alexa to create a Trello card). Same as everyone else, all works fine and Alexa asks my follow up question (“what’s the text”) then says “Oops I ran into a problem”. If I run a test in Zapier a card is created in Trello with no issues.

Does this mean I won’t be able to use Alexa with Zapier at all until this bug is resolved??

I am having this issue as well

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @emdagem and @AustinMCrane,

I’m so sorry that you’re also being affected by this bug. I’ve gone ahead and added you both to the list of folks being impacted by this.

Thanks for everyone’s continued patience here. Really wish I had a workaround to suggest but I couldn’t find any successful workarounds reported. We’re unable to give any estimates as to when it will be resolved by but we’ll be in touch by email as soon as it’s sorted.

Hi I am also having the same issue.

Alexa keeps replying “Oops i ran into a problem, please try again later”

Now that Alexa is no longer supporting IFTTT how will zapier be able to carry out alexa functions onto its various supported apps?

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi there, @KT689! 👋

Sorry to hear that you are also running into this issue with the Amazon Alexa app on Zapier. I’ve added you to the list which will help increase it’s priority and allow us to notify you by email once it’s been fixed. I don’t have any information to share regarding IFTTT no longer being supported on Amazon Alexa, but if that changes we’ll be sure to follow up here with the relevant details.

Hi can you please add me to the affected users as well? i’m having the same issue. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @alijax. Thanks for letting us know that you’re also being affected. You’ve been added to the list now so we’ll be in touch as soon as this issue is rectified. 🙂

Userlevel 1

9 months since this reporting and it’s still an issue - please add me to the list of affected users :(


Also - is there any way to work around this? 

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hey there, @Ladyfelina 👋

I’ve just checked on the bug report and unfortunately it’s still ongoing. While I can’t give an ETA on when it will definitely be resolved by I can confirm that I’ve added you to the list of users being affected by this issue which will help to bump up it’s priority.

Really sorry to not have better news right now but there’s still no reported workarounds that I can give. But I’ll definitely share details of any workarounds we come across in the thread here. And you’ll definitely get an email notification from us once it’s been fixed. 

Userlevel 1

If it helps anyone on this thread - I have implemented a workaround for my specific scenario (adding an item to Alexa’s To-do List to add it to a project in Asana).

I added the Todoist skill to Alexa, which syncs Shopping an To-do List (nothing else), then I added an applet to sync Todoist to Asana.

(I haven’t specifically tested this in Zapier, but it works on IFTTT.)

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Thanks so much for sharing the workaround you implemented here, @Ladyfelina. The Community greatly appreciates it! 🤗

Please also add me to that list. Same thing happens but this time with the Things app. Thank you

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hi @Tabbykitty,

I have added you to the open bug report as another affected member. We will keep you updated via email once the bug has been fixed.

I appreciate your patience and understanding.

Userlevel 1

You’re telling me y’all have known about this issue for over a year and still no fix? Wild. There are thousands of us wishing for this to get fixed

I’m also having this problem but with Todoist. This is all the more important since Alexa stopped integrating directly with Todoist.

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Thanks for reaching out here, @josiahcoad and @esdunne! 🙂

I’m so sorry we missed your message previously, @josiahcoad. I understand how frustrating it must be to find that this issue has been unresolved for over a year. We know many folks are eager for a resolution but sadly there’s no updates I can share on this at the moment. 

Really wish we could provide an estimate on when this will be resolved by but I can’t make any promises as to when it will be. I’ve gone ahead and added you both the the bug report which will help to increase it’s priority though. And I’ll be sure to share any workarounds I come across with you all here in the meantime.

Userlevel 1
Badge +1

Looks like the same error I am having sending a task to Clickup with Alexa.  Very frustrating

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

I’m really sorry that you’re getting these errors as well @LER. You’ve been added to the list of folks being affected by this so we’ll be in touch by email as soon as it’s been resolved.

In the meantime, would you mind sending me a link to your Alexa to ClickUp Zap (not a share link) in a private message? <- please don’t share the link publicly here!

Asking as I checked in on the bug report and the team are looking for a recent example of this error occurring. If you can share a link to any of your Zaps that are running into this issue I’ll pass it over to them so that they can dive into the recent error logs for the Zap to better identify what might be causing the trouble here. Thanks! 

I have this problem too! I went thru all of the troubleshooting steps with support and NOTHING.


Userlevel 7
Badge +11

I’m so sorry you’re also being affected by these errors too, @68b74978-d41e-4547-9511-963fc3

I can see the Support team have already added you to the bug report so we’ll definitely be in touch via email once it’s fixed. Thanks for everyone’s continued patience here in the meantime. 


When will it be fixed? Alexa cannot process anything from Zapier to, or even Zapier Emails, NOTHING.

This is completely useless!
