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Action process - which Filename with extension and file do I have to enter?

  • 15 January 2024
  • 14 replies

at Zapier at 2nd step Action, which filename with extension and underneath file do I have to enter in required fields of Zapier. I do not understand what Zapier wants from me. :-)

I want to create a Zap, where incoming invoices which I manually pass to my One Drive folder, will be forward automatically by Zapier to my Lexoffice account. Lexoffice is a German Accounting Software. 

Is there someone who can help me? :-)

Unfortunately I cannot upoad a screenshot here or can?

Kind regards,


14 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @ClaudeHH 

To help us have full context, post screenshots with how your Zap steps are outlined and configured, thanks.

Hi Troy Tessalone,

thank you.
Please find attached screenshots showing you Zap steps I took so far. . 
Especially 3rd screenshot will show you the issue I got with Action - Filename with Extension + underneath Filename, which are required data. 
I do not know which filename I must enter here. 

This is my absolutely first Zap. 

It would be great if you could give an indication as I would like to get my first Zap going. :-)
For your information I have no plan, my current plan is the free one. 


Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Try to map this variable.



I know this one, but this one does not include the invoice in the folder at OneDrive. Strange? How come? But I try this one. 


I chose this one and what do I have set for FILE underneath. This is still missing. Please see attachment. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Map this variable for the file.


Thank you.

It was working but I could not find anything at my Lexoffice-account. Where should I look for it if it was sent? 

I do not really quite understand yet. :-)

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Can you show a screenshot of the response data after testing the lexoffice step?

If you are having issues locating the document in lexoffice, then you may need to reach out to lexoffice support.

Please find screenshot. This is the only result I received. It is on and working, but I the trigger file called Invoices Zapier and not Langversion Tipps. 
How does Zapier know where to pull the file. I don´t get it. Sorry for causing these troubles. 
Maybe because I use the free version. 

I added another invoice to the folder in OneDrive and it was found by Zapier and I published it. Few seconds later I searched for this invoice at my Lexoffice account and could find it at folder: all documents. 

Great, thank you. 

Will this be working automatically, I mean will Zapier recognize when I am adding another invoice at this folder in OneDrive? 

And last question: I do not understand why you recommended at the beginning to insert as Filename with Extension the document Filename 2020 Longversion and and below for file: File (Exists but not shown) which were liste at the selection below, but had nothing to do with this task. Why did you recommend these? I expected to see the folder: Invoices Zapier where the invoices to be picked from are based. 
Hope you understand this last post. 
I only like to understand it. 



Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Help article about sending files in Zaps:

The Zap trigger being used is Scheduled meaning it can take from 1-15 minutes to fire depending on your Zapier plan.


Okay, I am going to read your help article. 

I often read about URL links and it is also mentioned in your article. Can you still explain what is meant with URL links (my website has an URL) and when do I need an URL link?

Thank you very much for your kind assistance. I am happy my first ZAP is working although I do not understand all about it.  

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Mapping a file object vs a file URL will depend on how the data is returned from the step that is returning the file.


A file object is a temp file.

A file url is a link to the file.

Uff, learned a lot, thank you. 
