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When I label an email, how can I make sure to create one Trello card from every reply on the thread?

  • 30 August 2022
  • 4 replies

I’ve created a zap to add a new Trello card to my board when an email in Gmail is labeled. 

My zap is creating a card for every reply on the email thread (at the moment the email is labeled) and then adds more cards to the board when there is further activity on the email. 

I just want one card created when I label an email. 

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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Caboodl 

Good question.

You may need to implement this type of Zap logic.

Action: Find/Create Card
This should prevent duplicate Cards from being created.


Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hi @Caboodl!

Another approach, if you’ll always be labeling the original email (and not a reply to an email) is to add a filter like this:

The ID will only ever match the thread ID when it’s the original email, as opposed to any follow-up replies :)

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey friends! Just coming in to close the loop by summarizing some of the suggestions offered here:

You may need to implement this type of Zap logic.

Action: Find/Create Card
This should prevent duplicate Cards from being created.


Another approach, if you’ll always be labeling the original email (and not a reply to an email) is to add a filter like this:

The ID will only ever match the thread ID when it’s the original email, as opposed to any follow-up replies :)




I am trying to do the same as above i.e. create just one Trello card when an email is labelled (regardless of how many emails there are in the relevant thread).


I am using the ‘Find Card’ zap, with logic to ‘create new card’ if none is found.


Unfortunately, when I use that logic and label an email that is part of a chain I still get multiple cards (one for each email in the chain). I have even tried creating a Zap with separate ‘Find Card’ and ‘Create Card’ steps, with a conditional Zapier step in between that means the Zap should only continue if no card is found. I still get the same result (multiple cards for an email thread, one for each card).


It is almost as if the Zap runs the same check (“does a card with this name exist?”) for all the emails in the chain *at the same time*. That means that, at the time of that check, there would not be a card with the corresponding name.


Could you let me know how I can fix this problem?