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Task Limit Reached Due to a Zapier backend error

  • 14 September 2023
  • 4 replies

I am writing to formally address a critical matter concerning our Zap limit, which has recently posed significant operational challenges.

Our established Zap limit was meticulously set at 5000 tasks. However, due to an unforeseeable incident involving a particular contact, we have encountered a situation wherein tasks have been recurrently generated, surpassing the allocated limit by an approximate count exceeding 5300. Importantly, it is imperative to emphasize that this occurrence was not attributed to any actions or oversights on our part.

The repercussions of this task limit infringement have been profound. Regrettably, it has severely hindered our capacity to seamlessly integrate our systems for our indispensable marketing campaigns. I have initiated a formal ticket with our dedicated representative, KJ, urgently seeking an increase in our task allocation. Although we appreciate that KJ has already provided an additional allotment of 3500 tasks, it is crucial to note that the original overage of 5000 tasks was beyond our control.

Presently, our predicament is further compounded by the accumulation of over 10,000 pending zaps in our system, a significant portion of which will undergo filtration. This backlog has led to an operational delay spanning two weeks, and our scheduled plan reset is anticipated to occur in six days. Adding to our challenge, we have observed a discernible lag in response times, particularly with correspondence primarily arriving during nighttime hours when our organizational staff is offline. While we acknowledge the potential existence of a timezone disparity contributing to this circumstance, the overnight response gap significantly disrupts our standard operating hours, particularly given our Central Time Zone operations, which align with the conventional 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM schedule.

Furthermore, our concern extends to the imminent renewal of our task limit, given that all pending tasks accumulated during this period of adversity will not defer until the forthcoming task limit reset in six days. The potential surge of task demand following the reset is anticipated to overburden our system, with the added risk of task exhaustion in the ensuing month.

It is essential to underscore that our association with Zapier is still in its nascent stage, as this marks our initial two months of engagement following an annual commitment. We embarked on this journey with the expectation of leveraging Zapier's capabilities to enhance our integration, and our onboarding experience under the guidance of Gene Kwan was indeed commendable. However, as we transitioned from onboarding to operational phases, our interactions have regrettably been marked by a perceived shortfall in the standard of customer service we anticipated.

In a recent communication with KJ, I had inquired if there was a possibility of augmenting our task allocation without having to await the monthly task reset. However, regrettably, this query remained unaddressed within the scope of the response, thereby necessitating a subsequent engagement. Consequently, we are presently navigating an operational hiatus until such time as a response is received, which places undue constraints on our productivity and marketing activities. This situation is particularly inconvenient for an organization that operates within the Central Time Zone, aligning with the customary 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM business hours.

In light of the foregoing, I earnestly implore your intervention and assistance in expediting a resolution to this pressing concern. We remain committed to preserving a seamless operation and ensuring the minimal disruption of our marketing initiatives. As such, any efforts to expedite a resolution, including the possible adjustment of our task allocation and response time alignment with our operational hours, would be immensely appreciated.

Thank you for your understanding and prompt attention to this matter.

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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @kburt 

Good question.

Issues related to Zapier plans must be handled by Zapier Support:

Sounds like perhaps the Zaps created an infinite loop.

Userlevel 1

Correct, it did and it was an isolated incident on one contact that generated over 5k tasks. I already have a ticket with a Zapier rep, however, we only seem to get a response at night when no one is in the office as we only operate 8-5.  Of course I’ve emailed a response and tried to open a new ticket, hoping for a response sooner, but it seems we have to wait overnight for a response again and this is really putting us behind schedule for our marketing.  I was hoping this forum or if anyone has any other suggestions to receive a response or be assigned to a service rep that has hours that is inline with ours so we are not limited to waiting for an email overnight everytime. I did address requesting for additional tasks to make up for the tasks that the loop created, however his response from overnight did not address this issue, which means I will have to wait overnight for another response. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Zapier Customer Support plan levels:

Make sure to see the fine print.


Userlevel 1

Thank you for this information. That makes sense now.  When we had the free trial while we were deciding if we should sign up for Zapier, they must’ve put us on the Team plan, which included real time support. I was under the impression that the features were going to be the same as what we started with since we just signed up on August 21st for the Pro plan.  I appreciate your help!