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Save only PDF attachment to Google Drive, what filter to use? How to configure?

  • 5 March 2021
  • 6 replies

In the workflow I want to set up and is not working:


Gmail with specific label

Save ONLY the PDF attachment to GDrive

Not zipped


I cannot see where to tell it to only save the PDF. The thread I found had a link but did not give me an answer so I am not sure what I am missing.

I have the drive

I have the folder

File ????

Convert to Document (true or false) I have it set to false

File name (is blank I want it to keep the name it has)

File Extension (Is this it? Put PDF here?)


I put True and put in PDF in file extension - saved as a zip

I put False and put in PDF in file extension - didn’t work either.

There is a JPG in the email and I want it ignored. I ONLY want the PDF saved.

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6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @Tazdev 

Try this trigger…


I am not having an issue with it saving attachments. Problem is that there are two attachments. One is a JPG file and the other is a PDF. I only want the PDF and I do NOT want it zipped. Right now it saves both in a ZIP file. Is there a way to specify save ONLY the PDF?

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Yes, you’d use the Gmail New Attachment trigger, then follow that with a Filter step.

Check this article:

Userlevel 7
Badge +11

Hey @Tazdev!

I just wanted to check back in with you to see if you saw Troy’s last reply. Were you able to get this working using the New Attachment trigger for Gmail and a Filter step? Let us know!

Userlevel 1

I have the same issue as @Tazdev

The proposed solution doesn’t work. 

Email with certain label that has more then 1 attachment saves all attachements as zip file in drive. I would like to save only the pdf attachment. 



Userlevel 1

Ah Never Mind! I used the wrong set up!