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I got this error using formatter for Zapier. - and received (500) Internal Server Error

  • 20 April 2020
  • 4 replies

I got this error when running formatter for ZApier and received (500) Internal Server Error


The first half of the Zap has run, and the whole zap has run correctly in the past. How do I proceed?

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4 replies

Userlevel 1

Note, this actually seems to be being caused by the formatter app not being able to deal with a xero invoice that has 1 line item or one that has 2 line items.


If I set it up with an invoice for 1 line to add line item amount and line item tax amount it works for items with 1 line item.


When is set it up with 2 line item invoices it does not work for 1 line item invoices and vice versa.


There must be a workaround

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hi @Grantleishman 

Can you show us a screenshot of how you have the Formatter step setup?

Userlevel 1

I don’t have a screenshot of the zap now, will take one if I get the error again.


It seems its an issue with single line vs multi line item invoices that are being created in Xero. It seems to be when the invoice is created in the same ZAP as where the invoice data is being used.


I create an invoice in Xero and when I then use that invoice data in formatter immediately after, the one line invoice is not creating a record LineItem[0] but just lineitem.


Hopefully this makes sense.


I have made changes and will see what happens going forward but it will be good to know if this is a documented issue.

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @Grantleishman ,

Checking in to see if you encountered this error again or if you are all set! Let us know and we’ll be happy to help should you need anything additional!