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How do I update multiple task due dates in Asana from a Google Sheet?

  • 11 April 2023
  • 8 replies

How do I update multiple task due dates in Asana from a Google Sheet?

I have the following tasks in an Asana project. 

Is there a way to use a Google Sheets + Asana so that if a due date is updated in Google Sheets it will also be updated in Asana. 

From my tries so far the ‘Update a task in Asana’ action doesn’t work as I can only update a specific task ID rather than updating multiple within one zap. 

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8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +6

Hey there @Stephentamlin,

Welcome to the Community! 🎉

This could be possible with Looping by Zapier. Here’s a Community post about Looping by Zapier:

The Zap workflow would look like this:

  1. Trigger: Google Sheets (New or Updated Spreadsheet Row)
  2. Action: Asana (Find Task)
  3. Action: Looping by Zapier
  4. Action: Asana (Update Task) *map the Task ID from the previous step

Please give that a try, and keep us posted.

Thanks! 😊

Will the process above update multiple tasks if I am providing a specific Task ID? Will it not just update the specific Task associated with the ID?

Also when I try to set up the loop what do I add to the ‘loop value’ field? Do I just add the Asana Task ID?


Another question. In step 2 above Zappier does not allow me to select task from Asana. I can only insert data from Google Sheets. 



Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @Stephentamlin!

Can we take a step back for a minute? Reading your original post:

From my tries so far the ‘Update a task in Asana’ action doesn’t work as I can only update a specific task ID rather than updating multiple within one zap. 


It sounds like you want to update the Asana tasks one at a time, but you want to be able to update different tasks depending on which row in Google Sheets is updated, is that right? If so, you don’t need to use looping to do that. You need to use the ‘Custom’ option on the Asana task dropdown so you’re entering a custom value each time. 

A custom value means that you’re adding information into the field, rather than choosing one of the options. In this case, you will need to use the task ID of the task you want to update in Asana. You can learn more about using custom values in this help doc: Add custom values to dropdown fields in Zaps

Ideally, you would have a column in Google Sheets that has the task ID for the correlating task in Asana. If you can’t add that (or it would take too long), you can add a step to find the task in Asana. So the Zap would look like this:

  1. Google Sheets - New or Updated Spreadsheet Row
  2. Asana - Find Task in Project
  3. Asana - Update task

To do that, you’ll need something in the Google Sheet you can use to search for the task in Asana. When the task is found, you’ll have the task ID to use in the Update task step. 

I hope that’s clear, please let us know if you have any questions!


Hi @Danvers,

thanks for getting back.

I added a task ID column in my spreadsheet but Asana is not pulling it in the custom value field:



Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey there, @Stephentamlin - thanks for sharing that! Sometimes this can happen if the spreadsheet is updated after the zap was already built.

In the trigger step, I’d recommend reloading a new sample - this should pull in some of the new columns you’ve created.

Let us know how that works out!

Sorted thank you!

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Awesome, stoked to hear that! Thanks for keeping us in the loop. 🤗