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How do I Create a Direct Deposit Contractor "Payment" (Expense) in Quickbooks from a New Record in Airtable

  • 21 January 2023
  • 6 replies

Hi - I’m trying to make payments to my 1099 Contractors using Quickbooks - but I want all of the information for the payment to come over from Airtable when a new payment record is created so that I can avoid Double Entries and save some time (I need the record in both AT and QB for various reasons).

Currently, when I try to create an expense in QB when a new record is created in AT, I only get the option to create the expense for a “Vendor”, “Customer” or “Employee”.

My 1099 Contractors show up in my Vendor List - so I’ve been selecting “Vendor” and assigning the Vendor ID for where the record should be created……. however on the next step Zapier/QB will only allow me to select “Cash”, “Check”, or “Credit Card” for the Payment Method - and I need these payment to go out as Direct Deposits.

Does anybody know if there is a way to create Direct Deposit Contractor Payments by sending a record from AirTable - Any help would be appreciated - I feel like I’m hitting a wall here and have tried several scenarios to make it work.

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6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi @ronnieO 

Good question.

Generally when Zap app integrations have limitations, it may be necessary to use the app API.


App APIs can be used in Zaps with the Webhooks app as an action step:

Userlevel 1

Thanks @Troy Tessalone - I’ll read up on Webhooks before trying anything - lol - New area for me - but that is helpful to know.

Userlevel 7
Badge +14


If you need help, consider hiring a Zapier Expert:

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Hey there, @ronnieO! Thanks for reaching out in community!

I wanted to swing by and confirm as you and Troy figured out - at the moment there isn’t a QBO action that supports paying a contractor. 😔

I did do some digging and can see there is an open feature request that I added your vote to! This doesn’t guarantee implementation but it does allow for us to continue tracking interest and ensure you’re emailed if that changes.

In the meantime, as Troy mentioned you could potentially use the QBO API and Webhooks by Zapier if you’re comfortable! Here’s a few resources to get you started if you’d like to give that a shot:

That said, it’s considered a slightly more advanced approach so support is going to be limited. Of course if you’d rather not fuss, as Troy pointed out, you can always hire a Zapier Expert to take this on for you. 🙂

Hope some of this helps and keep us in the loop with any other q’s you may have!

Userlevel 1

Thanks so much @Troy Tessalone and @christina.d for your help on this…….. as I’ve been doing further research (Since I am really trying to learn to do much of this myself, for my own automation journey) - I’ve discovered that the QBO API does not yet support Direct Deposit payments to Contractors - so most folks are still having to input this information manually for each contractor they have. There are a number of requests to Intuit to add support for these and I have included my request as well……… just wanted to follow-up for your knowledge in case anyone else is asking……. if there are any other ways to make this happen I’m open to hearing them - otherwise, I’ll wait until they add support for this. Thank you again!!

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @ronnieO

Thanks for popping back to add that extra information, fingers crossed that support is added soon!